To create sample OLAP decomposition analysis, follow this steps ...
- select ‘New Decomposition Analysis’ option in ‘Home’ or ‘Analysis’ view of Kyubit BI application.
- Select appropriate OLAP data source
- Select Measure for analysis. Single measure could be selected and changes at any time.
- Select ‘Add Decomposition Level’ button on the bottom to choose dimension level that will be used for first decomposition level. Level chart will immediately appear.
- Select ‘Add Decomposition Level’ for each additional dimension level you wish to analyze in subsequent analysis steps.
- Selecting members on a certain decomposition level will automatically filter all subsequent (child) levels with current selection. At any time changes selection for each added decomposition level.
- If complete decomposition level should be filtered (sliced) with additional data, select ‘Add Filters’ to add appropriate slicers.
- On each decomposition Level, select ‘Sorting’, isolate top N members, change chart type, open chart in large view or continue analysis in Grid/Chart analysis.
- On each decomposition Level, export data to Excel file.