animated butterfly chart icon Animated Butterfly Chart

Compare metrics from two distinct groups over time with Kyubit Charts Library and animated BI-directional bar chart. It's designed for easy use by both business professionals and developers. You can use it as an independent file or incorporate it into a website. It is simpler than ever to compare group items with an animated visual analysis.

Compare Metrics from Two Different Groups Over Time

Examine how values for elements from various groups change over time and watch the progression of historical data with animated bars moving in both left and right directions. This chart is not only visually appealing but also comes with a wealth of powerful features and customization possibilities, making it a top pick for visualizing and analyzing historical data. Its user-friendly design guarantees a fast and straightforward setup, enabling both business professionals and developers to implement it quickly.

3 Ways to Implement Animated Butterfly Chart

Integrate Charts Library into your website or web application for permanent animated butterfly chart use based on various data sets you provide with a simple Javascript code. Learn charts library simple API to create charts with Javascript through the samples. Charts library license is required for production usage. Download the chart library and evaluate chart features with your data.
Create a Chart Online on our website with a single data set for a fraction of the cost. Prepare your data in Excel/CSV format and create the animated butterfly chart online in a few simple steps. The created chart could be easily embedded into a website/web application or used as a standalone HTML file that anyone can open in their browser. Try the online chart creation form!
Use the animated butterfly chart within the Kyubit BI platform. Kyubit BI is a web application with business intelligence tools for self-service analytics, reporting, and dashboard creation based on OLAP, Tabular, SQL, and Excel/CSV data sources. It is a self-hosted BI solution that relies on web-based technologies to deliver great analytics. Learn more about the Kyubit BI platform.

Animated Butterfly Chart Examples with Sample Sales Data

Examples of historical data on products, sales, regions, and cities from a sample Contoso database (fictional data for demonstration purposes) Discover various implementations of the Animated Butterfly chart with code samples and downloadable source data CSV files.

Animated Butterfly Chart Features

Learn more about all the features of Animated Butterfly Chart and how to utilize chart options for the best data visualizations and data analysis with a few clicks. This chart brings some nice-to-have features for data analysis that can be very handy while using the chart.

Play/pause & jump to the period

The play/pause button is available on the left side of the time axis to control the running butterfly chart animation. At any time, move the mouse over the time axis to find the time period of interest and click on it to jump straight to that period. While defining the chart options (API), autoPlay could be enabled to immediately start with animation upon chart loading Click on the chart menu in the upper-right corner will stop the chart animation. The animation speed is initially defined with chart API, but can also be changed by the user with Menu > Options > Speed selection.

Linear and Logarithmic Scale

The Animated Butterfly Chart could display values on the Linear or Logarithmic axis scale. Should the chart exhibit items with substantial value disparities, employing a Logarithmic scale could offer a more convenient visualization. Each axis could have a separate scale option selected. So, for example, the X-axis could use a Linear scale, while the Y-axis could use a Logarithm scale. Initially, the scale option for each axis is defined using the chart JavasScript API, while a user observing the chart can change the scale option for each axis in the Menu > Options > Scale while using the chart.

Display Items as Images

Set the images for the Animated Butterfly Chart items. Each item could be defined with the image URL. The image will be displayed on the Y axis instead of a item text. If the items are countries, then you can simply set countryFlags: true which will automatically assign flag images based on the item name that needs to match the country name (in English) or two-letter country code (ISO 3166).

Multilingual User Interface

Kyubit Charts Library includes a menu and some other user interface elements containing phrases in the English language by default. Use multilingual properties of the chart to provide your own phrases in the preferred language. Please check the chart API section for more details on setting up the custom phrases (language) for the user interface.


Open the observed Animated Butterfly Chart in the fullscreen mode for better visual insights with the Menu > Fullscreen option. The fullscreen chart is opened at the same time period animation was in the original chart on the page. Anytime switch back to normal chart mode.

Download the chart as a standalone HTML file

Download the chart as a standalone HTML file that could be used outside the web page. The downloaded chart could be anytime opened in the web browser, sent to someone within an email message, and used in various presentations. Select Menu > Download > Download Chart to download the chart as a standalone HTML file. All data is embedded in the HTML file, so it can be easily opened from the file system without any other dependency files.

Download the chart image

Quickly download the image of the current chart animation progress with Menu > Download > Download Image action.

Get started with Kyubit Charts Library

JavaScript Charts Library Download Begin your journey with the Kyubit Charts Library. Download it now and evaluate the charts using your own data. Seamlessly integrate the Kyubit JavaScript library into your website or web application—it's as simple as adding a single JavaScript file to your page. Get started with stunning chart visualizations! 🚀