Analytical Dashboard Features

Discover dashboard analytics and options to explore your data, find in-depth insights, and quick answers to your business-related questions.

An easy way to connect to your data sources, and create an analytical dashboard that shows real-time data with analytics every business user would quickly adopt. Kyubit analytical dashboard can quickly analyze your existing SSAS OLAP/Tabular databases, or you can easily prepare analytic models based on your SQL databases and Excel/CSV files. Once there is multidimensional analytic data on the dashboard, users can select various analytic approaches to further explore and analyze data with analytic dashboard features that are available to all dashboard users using fresh data from your data sources. An interactive analytic dashboard is easily shared with all authorized users, exported to a PDF file, or available on mobile devices with mobile bi dashboard analytics .
Analytics Dashboard
Multidimensional data models provide simple and intuitive data analytics using multidimensional structures in the form of measures and dimensions, which simplifies user interaction and answering data analytic questions. After initial dashboard data is visualized, the analytic dashboard is used to resolve further questions related to displayed data, discover changes, and patterns, measure success, and find reasons for current data performance.
Analytics Dashboard

Quick Explore Analytics

Get deeper inights with a click on the chart element.

Define the dimension that will be used for 'Quick Explore' dashboard chart analytics. When a user clicks on the chart segment (column, point, region) small window will be displayed that additionally breaks down values of the selected segment by used dimension. For example, when a user clicks on 'Jacksonville' city, a 'Quick Explore' window will pop up showing Jacksonville sales data by the products. The same could be applied to any measure and using various charts. It is a great quick insight analytics dashboard feature end-users will appreciate having. 'Quick Explore' dimension and chart type could be defined in analytics dashboard design-time or production time by the end-user. The 'Quick Explore' chart could be further drilled down to a particular dimension or displayed as an enlarged chart in full screen.

Chart as Slicer

Select a chart on the dashboard to act as a slicer for other charts.

Instead of selecting filters to slice dashboard charts, set some convenient chart to act as a slicer, which means that as soon as you select any segment of the slicer chart, it will be automatically added to filters, and by which the whole dashboard will be used to slice. Very appropriate analytics dashboard feature for quick slicing of the dashboard data. Slicer charts are enabled and disabled by the end-users at any time. It can be used on any chart based on multidimensional data (OLAP cubes or Analytic Models created in the Kyubit BI application).
Analytics Dashboard

Analytics Dashboard Analytics Dashboard

Drill-Down Analytics

The most common analytics on the dashboard chart is to use the 'Drill-Down' action which splits the current value to be displayed in smaller segments, using any of the available dimensions.

Right-click on the chart segment displays a list of actions available for the data. Selecting 'Drill-Down' will bring the selection of the dimension that will be used for a drill-down operation. For example, sales on some products could be quickly drill down to months and later specific month to a country. Multiple drill-downs are available on the same chart and getting back in the reverse direction (drill-up). After each drill-down, it is possible to change the chart type that perhaps better suits give dimension data. Drill-down analytics on the dashboard is available as in-place chart analytics or first choosing the large view for the same chart, before drill-down analytics. For full analytic features, click the analysis icon which will open the same chart data in the full grid/chart analytics view.


Slice the dashboard or specific charts with selected dimension members, narrowing displayed data to the point of analytic interest.

To slice analytic dashboard data, select filters and add appropriate dimension-level filters from a related data source. After dashboard filters are updated only charts related to the same data source (as added filters) will be refreshed to display sliced chart data. Analytic dashboard filters could be saved within dashboard design view or by end-users while in production. Analytic dashboard designers could explicitly select which charts will accept filters or not. Dashboard slicers could be applied to analytic dashboards based on OLAP data or data from created 'Analytic Models' in Kyubit Self-Hosted BI Tools.

URL Slicers

Use the dashboard URL to add slicing filters dynamically. Especially useful when opening the dashboard from an external page and setting which dimension members will be used as filters in URL query string.
Analytics Dashboard

Analytics Dashboard

Compare sets with Combo Chart

Two datasets (analysis or query) could be compared on the same Combo chart.

When two datasets share the same categories and series but have different values and/or measures, ideally data comparison could be displayed using 'Combo Chart', which will display each set of data as a column or line chart and allow easy comparison of values. Values for both sets could be displayed on the same Y-axis or each set on a separate Y-axis.


Get more details on particular data from the displayed chart.

Select the chart segment for which you would like to discover details and a new drill-through window will open with the list of all items and properties related to the selected chart segment. It is a quick action to get details of the aggregated data displayed in the analytic dashboard chart. If data is based on SSAS OLAP cubes or Tabular models, available drill-through actions are defined in OLAP/Tabular models or within the Kyubit application with user-created drill-through columns. If chart data is based on analytic models created with the Kyubit business intelligence platform, all columns of data used to create the 'Analytic Model' could be used for drill-through analytics.
Analytics Dashboard

Get started with Kyubit Analytics Dashboard software

Analytics Dashboard software download Start with the Kyubit BI tools download for a 30-day evaluation and see analytical dashboards in action with your data.
It is a simple and quick installation that will bring all features unlocked in the evaluation version. We will be happy to receive your feedback and inquiries. Download Kyubit BI platform - User Manuals which covers all aspects of Kyubit business intelligence platform.