Kyubit Dashboard page could be opened by external application or link. In that moment there is an option to pass dashboard filters
we would like to have on dashboard after opening. Dashboard filters via URL could be used for OLAP and SQL filters as well.
Each filter added to dashboard has its own "Input parameter" name. When adding OLAP filters, "Input parameter" is unique name of dimension
hierarchy of the OLAP filter, while in case of SQL filters "Input parameter" is named manually (see next section for SQL filters).
In any case, while working in dashboard design view "Input parameter" name is visible when we move mouse over dashboard filter name.
URL to dashboard with filters:
For Example...
Dashboard filter for OLAP dimension "Date.Calendar" is added to dashboard with unique dimension level name "[Date].[Calendar]" as
filter input parameter. Multiple values and captions are separated by semicolon (;). URL could contain multiple filter "Input Parameters", each with multiple values defined.