Release Notes 6.0

The new Kyubit BI tools 6.0 version with Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting features is available!
Check out new features and improvements related to OLAP analysis, interactive dashboard visualizations, and the overall Kyubit BI platform experience.

Quick Video on new Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting features
Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting User Manual

Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting

The exciting new set of features uses existing OLAP cube measures and dimensions to prepare a budget/plan for the entire organization. The budget/plan is monitored and visualized in various business-related contexts to answer the success of the plan as a whole or individual plan aspects in a given time period.

Planning Participants and Workflow

Planning & Budgeting supports a collaboration of the participants to produce the plan/budget in which each participant prepares an input of plan/budget values for items assigned to him. Plan management includes action history, plan versioning/archiving, and comprehensive insights into the provided plan values.

Planning Excel-like values input

Providing the plan values presents a central set of budgeting & forecasting application features. Special attention is given to many handy planning-related features that make providing plan values as efficient as possible. The Excel-like grid supports providing a large number of planned values with many convenient features.

Planning Dashboard Visualizations

Monitoring the plan's success is available on the dashboard chart/KPI visualizations related to the plan. Interactive plan analytic features and plan dimensions filtering can answer numerous questions about the plan versus actual values success for various plan aspects. Quickly connect the chart or KPI to the plan.

Improved management of Data Sources

All application data sources are now available as a full-screen list (similar to dashboards) with filtering, sorting, and export options.

Improved management of Users

The list of users is also available as a full-screen list with management options that apply to multiple selected users.

Filter dialog improvements

Improved Filter dialog user interface and user interaction options. The filter 'apply' button applies selected filtering without closing the filter dialog. Moving filter dialog (full or simple mode) over the analysis and dashboard values.

OLAP Analysis 'Select Members'

The axis 'Select Members' action selects any member from the hierarchy to be applied on the axis. This way, quickly select members from different hierarchy levels, the 'All' member or calculated members to be present on the axis simultaneously.

Fixed Grid Analysis Headers

OLAP and Analytic Model grid analysis now support always visible (fixed) headers with the measure name.

Improved 'Continue Analysis' from the dashboard

The 'Continue Analysis' action on the dashboard chart fully supports any alternative measures or dimensions defined on the chart, resulting in the complete analysis being opened with the exact same values as on the dashboard.

Dashboard Chart Items Search/Select

Any user observing the dashboard chart data can search and select particular chart items to focus on essential chart details.

Export/Import in Multitenant Environment

Export/Import application objects from one tenant into another while working in the Multitenant Environment.

Other Features and Improvements

  • OLAP calculated members in the 'Expand All Analysis Mode'.
  • Explicitly defined filters on the dashboard chart are respected in the 'Continue Analysis' action.
  • Customize the appearance of the embedded multipage report with the querystring parameters. (Similar to embedded dashboards)
  • VISUALSCONFIG.js file with additional configurable options for dashboard charts visible and planning at C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence\Javascripts\App

    // Shows the dashboard chart menu

    // Shows chart point context menu when the user right-clicks on the chart point/bar

    // Shows Drill action on the dashboard chart context menu

    // Shows Drillthrough action on the dashboard chart context menu

    // Defines the color of the chart bar/column that is used to slice other charts
    const DASHBOARD_CHART_SLICER_COLOR = "#c74205";

    // Custom Plan Action Link (Options Form). For Example, "Action1;Description of the action;"
  • Adding multiple user permissions at the same time for any application object.
  • Import/Export of Analysis Model completely reconstructs the Analytic Model on the importing side (Only processing start is required).
  • Quick slicing dashboard chart (selecting an item on the chart to filter another chart) is now sliced by a single item by default. If you want to combine more items, you need to hold the ctrl key.
  • <add key="ShowOLAPSharedItems" value="1" /> in the web.config file to control the display of the "OLAP Shared Items"
  • Improved Dashboard chart 'Compare' feature.
  • Dashboard KPI's primary value data source is used to connect to the relevant data source when adding dashboard filters. When adding the dashboard filter, the 'Show All' data sources option is not displayed anymore.
  • Changes to the application 'System Name' required for the new licensing. The new 'System Name' includes additional data (other than the server name). This applies only when submiting a new license to the Kyubit application.
  • The splash image dimensions have changed. If a custom splash image exists with Kyubit 'White-Label' features, it requires update with new dimensions (540px x 320px).