HTML/JavaScript Code
The HTML elements and JavaScript code used in this example.
<div id="chartDiv"></div>
function showChart() {
let config = {
title: "World GDP Per Capita, Population and Fertility Rate Historical Values",
width: "800",
height: "600",
numberOfDecimals: 2,
thousandsSeparator: ".",
decimalSeparator: ",",
transitionTime: 1,
logarithmicYaxis: true,
measures: [{ title: "GDP Per Capita" }, { title: "Population", prefix: "$" }, { title: "Fertility Rate" }],
dataCSVURL: "/charts-lib/examples/world-gdp-popuplation-fertility.csv"
kyubitTimeCharts.showBubbleChart("chartDiv", config);
Learn more about
Animated Bubble Chart API.