Chart Values Structure Samples

Kyubit Chart Library offers several ways to organize values and use them with the chart. This way we try to make it easy for you to prepare expected data for the chart and choose the most convenient structure for your case.

Rows and Columns with Headers

Each supported value structure requires data organized in rows and columns where each column has a header that identifies the role of the values in that column. Data with values could be submitted as a CSV file.
Item column header identifies the column with category items observed on the chart.
The Period column header identifies the column with related time periods.
Measure column header identifies column with values related to the item in the particular time period. (Measure title, description, formatting, etc. needs to be defined through the chart properties. Here are just plain values.)
Group Optional. Some charts support the visual grouping of items (Animated Bubble Chart)

There are 3 options of data structure to choose from...

1) Inline (default)

This value structure defines all values for an item in a single line. If the chart can display multiple measures (Animated Bubble Chart), all measure values are declared in the same line. The lines are ordered by time periods (First all items for the oldest period, then all items for the newer period, etc.). The first row must include column headers that indicate the role of the column ("Item", "Period", "Measure", or a "Group").

Item Period  Measure
Item A 2020 1000000 (Time Period 2020)
Item B 2020 460000
Item C 2020 650000
Item A 2021 1300000 (Time Period 2021)
Item B 2021 80000
Item C 2021 950000
Item A 2022 1550000 (Time Period 2022)
Item B 2022 800000
Item C 2022 1500000
Item A 2023 2230000 (Time Period 2023)
Item B 2023 1300000
Item C 2023 2800000

Item Period  Measure Measure Measure
Item A 2020 1000000 100000 8 (Time Period 2020)
Item B 2020 460000 80000 6
Item C 2020 650000 200000 14
Item A 2021 1300000 134000 19 (Time Period 2021)
Item B 2021 80000 180000 14
Item C 2021 950000 250000 76
Item A 2022 1550000 195000 56 (Time Period 2022)
Item B 2022 800000 110000 4
Item C 2022 1500000 300000 220
Item A 2023 2230000 220000 90 (Time Period 2023)
Item B 2023 1300000 125000 5
Item C 2023 2800000 280000 385

2) rowItems

Chart items (category) are organized as rows, while time periods (series) are organized as columns in ascending order. If the chart can display multiple measures (Animated Bubble Chart), the set for each measure is located one below another (First all values for measure 1, then all values for measure 2, etc.). The first row must include column headers that indicate the role of the column ("Item", then time period names).

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Item A 1000000 1300000 1550000 2230000 (Measure 1)
Item B 460000 80000 800000 1300000
Item C 650000 950000 1500000 2800000

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Item A 1000000 1300000 1550000 2230000 (Measure 1)
Item B 460000 80000 800000 1300000
Item C 650000 950000 1500000 2800000
Item A 100000 134000 195000 220000 (Measure 2)
Item B 80000 180000 110000 125000
Item C 200000 250000 300000 280000
Item A 8 19 56 90 (Measure 3)
Item B 6 14 4 5
Item C 14 76 220 385

3) columnItems

Chart items (category) are organized as columns, while time periods (series) are organized as row in ascending order. If the chart can display multiple measures (Animated Bubble Chart), the set for each measure is located one below another (First all values for measure 1, then all values for measure 2, etc.). The first row must include column headers that indicate the role of the column ("Period", then item names).

Period Item A Item B Item C
2020 1000000 450000 650000 (Measure 1)
2021 1300000 80000 950000
2022 1550000 800000 1500000
2023 2230000 1300000 2800000

Period Item A Item B Item C
2020 1000000 450000 650000 (Measure 1)
2021 1300000 80000 950000
2022 1550000 800000 1500000
2023 2230000 1300000 2800000
2020 100000 80000 200000 (Measure 2)
2021 134000 180000 250000
2022 195000 110000 300000
2023 220000 125000 280000
2020 8 6 14 (Measure 3)
2021 19 14 76
2022 56 4 220
2023 90 5 285

* To see more examples related to value structures, navigate to a particular chart and its API section or Chart examples with real-world data to see how various value structures are implemented.