Kyubit BI Platform Product Updates

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Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2024 April 3rd - Release 6.2 Release Notes

  • New Features and Improvements
    The new Kyubit BI tools 6.2 introduces 'Quick Slicers', Animted Time Charts and personalized 'Circular Subscriptions'! Check out all new features and improvements related to OLAP analysis, Self-service BI, interactive dashboard visualizations, and the overall Kyubit BI platform experience.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2023 July 12th - Release 6.1 Release Notes

  • New Features and Improvements
    The biggest Kyubit BI update with version 6.1! What is improved? Application UI, Support for Two-Factor Authentication, New Scheduled Subscription features, Multiple subscription attachments, Subscription Contacts & Contact Groups, Email Templates, New dashboard features, Waterfall chart, OLAP analysis Calculated Members, and much more...

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 December 19th - Release 6.0 Release Notes

  • New Features and Improvements
    The new Kyubit BI tools 6.0 version with Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting features is available! Check out new features and improvements related to OLAP analysis, interactive dashboard visualizations, and the overall Kyubit BI platform experience.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 July 7th - Release 5.5 Release Notes

  • Quick Chart Date Range Actions
    The most popular action for the average user when reading chart data is to quickly see the same data for some other period of time. New dashboard chart features allow you to select interesting date periods with 2 clicks on the chart. Optionally, select date filtering with a time axis that will present changes in the values through the time.
  • Dashboard smart caching/Faster Dashboards
    Dashboards are using smarter data retrievals from the data sources and caching on the client-side. This results in faster dashboard creating, work in design view, and switching from production to design view and vice versa. Especially relevant if dashboard charts are based on some heavy load query or analysis.
  • Analytic Model - Expand All Mode
    'Analytic Models' analysis also supports the 'Expand All Analysis Mode' in which all dimension levels added to the analysis will be automatically expanded (Previously available for OLAP analyses). This approach ensures that all dimension-level items will be expanded in the analysis, even if they were not existing at the analysis creation.
  • 'Expand All' on the Dashboard 'Table' chart
    A dashboard 'Table' chart can be used to display 'Expand All Analysis Mode' for OLAP and 'Analytic Model' data sources. To get nice performance results on the expand all actions it is recommended to make sure that the analysis results do not exceed a couple of thousands of rows, after which performance gets slower.
  • OLAP Analysis URL filtering
    Open the existing analysis in the 'grid view' or a 'report view' with custom filters applied using the URL query string parameters.
  • Fixed 'Table' chart header
    The new 'Table' chart header is fixed to the top (static). As you scroll through the results the header is always visible.
  • Alternative chart 'Category/Series'
    Set an alternative dashboard chart 'Category' or 'Series' dimension level for the existing analysis. Set 'Category' or 'Series' dimension in the dashboard design view > Tile > Options or by the end-user in the production view on the dashboard chart context menu. This opens a new perspective on how end-users analyze dashboard data.
  • Dashboard chart 'Granularity'
    If a dashboard chart category is based on the hierarchy, now a user can quickly change category granularity and select a more appropriate hierarchy level for the data insights. For example, if the chart category is based on the 'Months' level, it could be quickly changed to show the 'Days' or 'Years' level.
  • The Data proprietary statement is configurable and visible at the bottom of all content exported from the Kyubit application (Excel, PDF, CSV files). For example "This data, and any information derived from this data, can only be used for internal business purposes and cannot be used or shared externally without prior written approval of ... " To enable this statement set appropriate text to the "DataProperietaryStatement" key in the web.config file in both Kyubit web application instances.
  • Important security improvements related to founded vulnerabilities. (Details undisclosed for security reasons)
  • Performance improvements for 'Analytic Model' data processing and analysis.
  • Improvements for the percent values presented on the dashboard charts.
  • Dashboard chart displayed in 'Expanded View' (Fullscreen), now also has a context menu with analytic options related to the chart.
  • Export/Import action now supports complete 'Analytic Model' structure definition exporting to the XML file and importing on the new environment.
  • Assigning multiple permission users/groups with one click when managing object permissions (previously permissions added one by one).
  • Setup improvements. Application setup automatically sets Session timeout of 300 minutes and 360 minutes for application pool 'Idle-timeout'. This should improve to have fewer session time-outs. (from 5.4.6)
  • Other small improvements and minor bug fixes.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 April 29th - Minor Release 5.4.6

  • Set alternative dashboard chart 'Category' dimension in Dashboard design > tile > options tab. Override the default dimension defined by the analysis.
  • Open an existing analysis with additional OLAP filters defined in the URL. The filter URL definition is of the same format as the filter URL definition for the dashboards.
    For example, opening GRID VIEW of the analysis with additional filters:

    For example, opening REPORT VIEW of the analysis with additional filters:
  • Decomposition Analysis (OLAP/Analytic Model) allows to set alphabetical or 'Member Key' sorting for each added level.
  • Subscription Job email notification. Set the email address to which each Analytic Model processing job will be notified with success status. Set email address to "JobStatusEmailNotify" option in the web.config file on the path C:\Program Files\Kyubit\ServiceEndPoint.
  • Setup improvements. Auto-detect and configure already applied application Language after the upgrade.
  • Setup improvements. Application setup automatically sets Session timeout of 300 minutes and 360 minutes for application pool 'Idle-timeout'. This should improve to have fewer session time-outs.
  • FIX - Security improvements.
  • FIX - Column chart 100% and Bar chart 100% when layout issues with negative and null values.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 March 7th - Minor Release 5.4.5

  • Performance improvements for Analytic Model data execution.
  • FIX - Grid KPI issues within OLAP and Analytic Model analysis.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 February 24th - Minor Release 5.4.4

  • Copy/Paste Dashboard Charts. While in the dashboard design mode, click on the copy icon that will appear aside edit tile icon. Once the chart is copied, it could be pasted anytime on the same or another dashboard (in the same or another browser tab). To paste copied chart, drag any new tile to the surface, and the paste icon will appear aside from the edit icon.
  • Copy/Paste a value from the analysis grid. Right-click on any member on the category or series axis, or any grid cell, and from the menu select the 'Copy' action that will load the value to the clipboard.
  • Copy/Paste a value from the dashboard chart. Right-click on any chart value and from the menu select the 'Copy' action that will load the value to the clipboard.
  • FIX - Folders with long names are nicely rendered with an ellipsis. Mouse over the folder displays a tip with the full name.
  • FIX - Auto-create new users when using 'Windows Integrated Authentication' working as expected (Issue occurred on some environments).
  • FIX - When using grid analysis 'Calculated Views' that calculates the percent of the grid total, the grid does not allow to remove totals from the analysis.
  • FIX - Report view displays columns marked as 'Do not calculate' correctly.
  • FIX - Alternative measure title correctly displayed on the chart view.
  • FIX - Isolate grid members when member caption includes '#' character.
  • FIX - Analytic Model filters with non-Latin characters correctly applied after the Analytic Model processing.
  • FIX - Resolved issue with Except filter when filer include ',' character.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 February 11th - Minor Release 5.4.3

  • Improvements for 'Except' OLAP filtering. Anytime switch from 'Except' to 'Include' filter members. Select any members from the hierarchy for 'Except' filtering. No more previous limitations.
  • Dimensions/hierarchies that contain a huge number of members on the first level now opening quickly.
  • Embedding an analytic chart to the external application now supports changing of measures for the same analysis by changing the 'SpecificMeasures' attribute.
  • FIX - KPI 'Show last value change as percent' is working as expected. (Value could not be changed in some environments).
  • FIX - Setting dashboard chart Min and Max Y-axis values, when working with small decimal numbers. (Y axis display had issues)
  • FIX - Adding measures to analysis while measures are hidden by the pin. (Measure was not visually added to the group)

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 January 25th - Service Release 5.4.2

  • Hide empty measure groups option in the web.config file. Set "HideEmptyMeasureGroups" to "1" to avoid displaying measure groups that do not contain any visible measures.
  • FIX - Continue analysis from the dashboard. Resolved issues when adding/removing measures.
  • FIX - Isolating members in the grid analysis view. Resolved issue when member contains apostrophe character.
  • FIX - Analytic Model analysis. Removing all filter members from analysis resulted in an error message.
  • FIX - Single color dashboard chart and Legend on the right did not display correctly

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2022 January 11th - Service Release 5.4.1

  • Filtering 'Calendar Picker' now supports 'Until Yesterday', 'Until This Week', 'Until This Month' and 'Until This Quarter' criteria for relative date range definition.
  • FIX - Filtering 'Calendar Picker' some date combinations not selecting date range as expected when using non-English language.
  • FIX - Searching for the analysis, opening, saving and going back does not return to the search results.
  • FIX - Configuring text for the subscription messages now supports HTML (that should be used in the form of escaped characters).
  • FIX - Measure added by drag-and-drop also marks measure checkbox as included in the analysis grid.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2021 December 20th - Release 5.4 Release Notes

  • OLAP Date Calendar Slicer
    A date range is the most often dimension to slice analysis data. In this release, Kyubit delivers Date Calendar Picker (for OLAP time dimensions hierarchies) that could be used with analyses, reports, and dashboards. The most intuitive and user-friendly OLAP date picker end-users will appreciate using while analyzing OLAP data.
  • OLAP Relative Date Period Slicing
    The Calendar Slicer also includes a feature to provide a relative data range to slice OLAP data. The relative date period slicing includes support for any combination of the current, previous and future date ranges relative to the current date. This approach is more efficient and user-friendly than previously used 'LastPeriods' filtering.
  • OLAP Cube Search
    Searching the OLAP cube structure to find measures, measure groups, dimensions, hierarchies, levels, and named sets has never been easier. While in analysis, report, decomposition, and dashboards view, type in several letters to quickly find the appropriate cube structure element.
  • Kyubit Users Password Policy
    Define the password policy for users created in the Kyubit application. Password policy includes a definition of password minimum length, expiration period, mandatory usage of upper-lower characters, numeric or special characters. While creating a new user, an admin can set a password change on the first user login.
  • Alerts on KPI
    Any user can create an alert for any available KPI and receive a notification when KPI reaches one or more required statuses. It presents a quick and simple way for a user to be notified of important value thresholds being reached with a flexible monitoring and notifying frequency. One click on the KPI and create a new Alert.
  • Measures Checkbox Selection
    Alternative to a drag-and-drop approach, measure selection now can be done by quickly checking the measure checkboxes which seems to be a faster way to add more measures to analysis, report or a dashboard chart. A drag-and-drop approach could be combined with the checkbox selection.
  • Dashboard Auto-Slicing
    A dashboard with auto-slicing sets any chart to be used as a slicer for other chart data without opting for 'Use as slicer' on the individual chart. As soon as the dashboard is opened, selecting any chart segment/bar/slice will slice other chart data with the selection.
  • Dashboard Chart Measures
    End-user can quickly reselect measures for any chart on the dashboard. While selecting a new measure or multiple measures, OLAP cube search is available and measure checkbox selection. A Dashboard creator can choose alternative measures for a chart in the design mode.
  • Company Logo on Dashboards/Reports
    A logo box is displayed on the dashboards and reports when using the 'Company' or 'Enterprise' edition license. The logo box could be hidden or set to an alternative image. When using the multitenant license a logo box could display the different logo for each tenant in the application.
  • Scorecard based on the SQL query
    An alternative to creating a Scorecard by defining KPIs one by one and adding to a scorecard is creating a list of values and thresholds with SQL query results (if applicable in your environment). Such query results are quickly rendered on the Scorecard visualization on the dashboard.
  • Self-compare Combo chart display
    Compare each data item with the previous item in a dataset using a Combo chart and a single dataset (query or analysis). When 'Delta chart' is set to a single dataset, the delta chart values will visualize every item compared to the previous visualizing its mutual difference.
  • Download chart as PNG file
    Open a dashboard chart in the 'Expanded view' and set custom font and size. Download the chart as PNG image to include it in external content, presentation, or a document.
  • UI overall improvements.
  • OLAP filtering now supports all combinations of Time-defined filtering, WHERE clause slicers and Exclude filtering.
  • Hide complete 'Tutorials' content in the application by setting "HideTutorials" in the web.config to "1".
  • Subscribe to receive a dashboard PDF with or without the link in the email message.
  • Improved 'Bar Chart' display.
  • Improved Analytic Model Calculation View with integer measure.
  • The application does not allow user email addresses that already exist in the application for new Kyubit users.
  • Analysis Subscription with Excel attachment includes analysis chart image only if defined in the analysis itself ('Grid/Chart' Combination option).
  • Embedding a dashboard to an external app using the IFrame element now supports query string parameters 'hideHeader' and 'hideToolbar' to show the required content of the dashboard.
  • End-user cannot change his login name.
  • Other small improvements and minor bug fixes.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2021 September 28th - Service Release 5.3.1

  • User interface improvements with a font weight and font size changes.
  • Improvements related to embedding the Kyubit dashboard to external applications.
  • Improvements related to 'Analytic Model' analysis.
  • Overall application security improvements.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2021 June 24th - Release 5.3 Release Notes

  • Table charts support 3-axis data
    Dashboard table charts now support a display of analysis that contains multiple category items, multiple series items, and multiple measures at the same time. Previously, for such analysis, only data for the first measure was displayed. 3-axis data is supported for OLAP and Analytic Model analysis with support for data drill-down.
  • Dashboard HTML/Javascript tile
    Enter any HTML/Javascript in a dashboard tile that could display any custom data, information or provide any additional insights related to your business requirements. HTML tile is saved and opened with other dashboard charts. While exporting dashboard to PDF file, HTML/Javascript tile will not be included.
  • Embed Grid/Chart Analysis to any HTML page
    Embed existing analysis or empty grid to start analysis for any OLAP cube or Analytic Model within a single URL. Using IFRAME element and configurable attributes embed Kyubit analysis features to your application or HTML page with your preferences (Options to hide header, link to the portal and Save Analysis).
  • Embed Decomposition Analysis to any HTML page
    Embed existing or new decomposition analysis for any OLAP cube or Analytic Model within your application environment. Using IFRAME element and configurable attributes embed Kyubit analysis features to your application or HTML page with your preferences (Options to hide header and other visual details).
  • Use 'Named Set' as a 'Calculated Member'
    Display a Named set created in the Kyubit application as a Calculated Member in grid/chart analysis. Use Named set displayed as an aggregated item along with other members to compare values between individual items and grouped items that are related on some basis.
  • Quick Custom URL Frame
    Set a dashboard chart to open a quick custom URL frame at the moment the chart point is clicked within the same dashboard page. Opening a custom URL in a frame is much faster (and sometimes more convenient) compared to then opening a custom URL in a new browser tab.
  • User Management API
    Kyubit application includes a new Web service API to manage Kyubit users programmatically. Previously a new Kyubit user could have been created only within the Kyubit application user interface (manually). For an environment that integrates its own features with Kyubit BI content, this is a convenient way to add new users in the background on some event in the environment.
  • Master-detail Report for Dashboard charts
    Open a report analysis in the context of a particular chart point on the dashboard. Analysis in a Report View will be opened for that particular point, passing a point member and other dashboard filter members to the report filtering. The ideal way for end-users to observe master-detail insights from a dashboard chart (master view) to a particular analysis for a particular selected value on the chart (details view).
  • Combine Calculated with Plain Values
    Ability to add the same measure multiple times to the same analysis, so calculated view could be applied on one measure column, while other measure column displays original values. For example, now you can quickly see the percentage of the same measure in one column and actual values in the column beside.
  • HeatMap Relative Color Range
    Previously, it was possible to define a color range with fixed values. The new version provides relative definitions of color ranges that would be applied for the whole data set or individual columns or rows. For example, the color range would be applied for the top 30% items in each column individually.
  • OLAP Calculated Measure Expression
    Move mouse over OLAP cube defined calculated measures to quickly see its expression.
  • Different color for positive and negative values
    If the chart contains single series of values, positive and negative values are displayed in different colors.
  • KPI NULL values are handled as 'CannotResolve'. 'N/A' text displayed instead of KPI sign.
  • Web.config "VisitorCanChangeInitialFilters" attribute controls if a 'Visitor' role can change initial filters on analyses and dashboards.
  • Web.config includes option to hide all tutorials content ('HideTutorials'). When this value is set to 1, the application does not offer tutorial content to the users.
  • Configure Dashboard KPI change percent format. Previously, it was rounded to an integer with no decimals. Set 'KPILastChangePercentDecimals' attribute in the web.config file to define the number of decimals KPI change percent will display.
  • KPI value change percent compares last change with penultimate (second cell) value to calculate KPI change percent.
  • A URL to directly open new analysis for a particular data source. For example, http://localhost:85/analysis/new?DataSourceID=101&hideHomeLink=1&hideSave=1&hideHeader=1. Optionally use attributes to hide visual details.
  • Bar chart legend now can be set on the dashboard.
  • Combo chart - if series exists, the Legend will display series members, otherwise, compare analysis/query names.
  • Card charts support no category items (only measure added to analysis).
  • Dashboard chart defined 'Specific Categories' and 'Specific Series' in a way to specify which members not to show. Select members not to show and add '!' (exclamation) character in the text field. For example, '!Australia,Canada' will display all members except Australia and Canada.
  • Grid/chart Analysis, to edit existing filters click on the filter dimension name or member names to open the filter dialog.
  • If Dashboard PDF Export encounters an issue, the error will be visible in the place of the dashboard chart (previously empty chart was displayed).
  • Dashboard Mobile View, now immediately shows dashboard filters if defined. (Previously, click to expand and show filters was required).
  • Option to exclude image when sending analysis as excel file defined as a subscription. Set 'ExcelAnalysisWithImage' to 0 in 'Kyubit.SubscriptionService.exe.config' file.
  • Embedded charts using Kyubit JavaScript API now support 'Single-Color' chart rendering.
  • KPI Last change percent display INF. if the previous value was NULL or 0, avoiding division by zero issues.
  • Dashboard Table PDF Export repeats column names on other pages if the table chart cannot fit a single page.
  • FIX - Dashboard 'Card' charts are nicely centered.
  • FIX - Multitenant 'White-label' folders archived and restored after application upgrade.
  • FIX - OLAP analysis, sorting by MEMBER_KEY resolved correctly.
  • FIX - Certain Subscription issues when using different Time Zone resolved.
  • FIX - Dashboard 'Except' filter is now also correctly indicated in the exported PDF dashboard file. (Word 'Except' was missing)
  • FIX - Alternative formatting (when defined) was not implemented in the analysis chart view.
  • FIX - Simple PDF Dashboard export was failing if a single chart on the dashboard had an issue.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2021 February 19th - Service Release 5.2.2

  • Fix and improvements related to exporting content to PDF file.
  • Fix and improvements while creating analysis and dashboard subscriptions.
  • Fix and improvements relate to exporting analysis and dashboard definition to XML file.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2021 February 9th - Service Release 5.2.1

  • A number of smaller improvements and fixes for dashboards and analysis.
  • Improvements for Kyubit application nested in the parent (host) application.
  • Kyubit users with invalid Windows account credentials can log in to the application, but cannot use reports, analysis, and dashboards.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 December 16th - Release 5.2 Release Notes

  • Single-Color dashboard charts
    An effective way to present important charts that will outstand on the dashboard with the 'Single-Color' style (Color Palettes). In this way, you can design a chart background with a specific color, while chart elements are presented with shades of white. The chart looks outstanding among other charts with a flat outlook.
  • Color palettes Management
    Instead of editing color palettes in a javascript file, the new version enables the Kyubit Admin role to edit and create new color palettes visually, in the color palette management form. In the Admin section, create new color palettes which later you can assign to a dashboard and dashboard charts.
  • Define a Color for Specific Series
    Set a color rule for a specific series on the dashboard, that will be followed by all charts on the dashboard. When you have multiple charts on the dashboard that contains the same items, naturally end-user would expect the same items to be visually presented with the same color on all the charts.
  • Analytic Model 'Expand All' and 'Exclude Filters'
    Analysis based on Analytic Models now also supports the 'Expand All Level Items' feature. Click on the level on the category axis and set to expand/collapse all items. To set a filter that would return all members except selected, choose the 'Except selected' option in the filter dialog form.
  • Mobile View navigation improvements
    The folder hierarchy is presented in the same way as in the desktop mode (Previously, all folders in flat view were displayed). Mobile view now supports the 'Search' feature to find a dashboard by the name and 'Recent' dashboards for the current user.
  • Edit Filters in the Mobile Dashboards View
    Previously, dashboard filters in mobile view were read-only. The new version supports editing of OLAP and Analytic Model filters in the mobile view as well. Some more advanced filter modes are still supported only in the desktop mode.
  • Content Management Improvements
    The 'Recent Items', 'Favorites', and 'Search' views now display the folder name of the item in the list. The analysis could be opened immediately in the grid/chart view, directly from the Home 'Recently Used' list. Recent items could be cleared with a click on the clear button.
  • Table chart Drill-Down definition
    Category dimension levels defined in the analysis are displayed in the dashboard 'Table' chart as drill-down definition path, without the requirement that any of these levels are expanded. (Previously drill-down path was displayed only for already expanded levels).
  • Subscription Service auto-setup
    Kyubit subscription service is automatically up-and-running after the setup and ready to send subscription emails from the Kyubit environment without any manual configuration. Within the trial period, the subscription service is using Kyubit SMTP details.
  • Company logo on Analysis/Dashboard PDF Export
    Exporting analysis and dashboard to PDF file now includes the option to include a company logo on the document header. A company logo image could be included with the 'Company Edition' or 'Enterprise Edition' licenses, replacing the \WhiteLabel\CompanyLogo.png image file.
  • Kyubit BI now works with .NET Framework 4.7.2. Most environments today already include this .NET framework. In case the framework is missing, it should be installed before the product upgrade or installation.
  • Views 'Recent Items', 'Search', 'Favorites' and 'New Items' now include information about the analysis/dashboard folder.
  • A 'Visitor' role cannot change existing filters added to the analysis or dashboard, a visitor can only add additional filters on top of the existing. This way it is possible to create data insights and analytic environments where it is necessary to ensure a visitor role will not see the data they are not supposed to see and data analysis is done in the data scope defined by the content creator.
  • Set alternative caption to dashboard filter. After a filter is added to the dashboard, open a simple filter dialog, click on the existing caption and edit appropriately.
  • When many dashboard filters are added to the dashboard and cannot fit the current screen, a scrollbar appears for the dashboard filter panel.
  • OLAP analysis - Full hierarchy name on the analysis, reports and dashboards. Previously, some hierarchies (like date-time) were not displayed with full information. (for example, "Month" instead of "Delivery Date.Month")
  • Dashboard 'Line Chart' includes options to control line width and small circles display.
  • Dashboard OLAP and Analytic Model filters include 'Except selected' filters.
  • Dashboard 'Combo Chart', option to select a color palette for compare data set.
  • 'NonImpersonatedSubscriptions' are the default for sending subscription emails. Data is retrieved in the context of the KYUBIT WINDOWS ACCOUNT. In this mode, end-users do not have to provide their Windows credentials prior to creating a subscription. Alternatively, set 'NonImpersonatedSubscriptions' to '0' to enable impersonated subscriptions.
  • A simpler way to authenticate to Kyubit app before requesting Kyubit content in other web applications (Embedded BI Scenarios).
  • When working with OLAP 'Calculated Members', Kyubit BI supports a definition if calculated members will be included in the aggregation operation or not.
  • 'Recently Used Content' on the home page now includes an icon to immediately open analysis in the grid/chart view. The icon appears when moving the mouse over the item.
  • When using Kyubit users and groups authentication, if a Windows account associated with the Kyubit user is invalid a user will not be able to log on, to avoid the option to see OLAP data with an inappropriate user account.
  • KPI/Gauge thresholds and 'Last Change' value formatted the same way as the main KPI value.
  • TLS 1.2 support when sending emails from the Kyubit application and subscription service
  • 'Published Analysis' now accessible for any user anywhere (does not have to be a valid Kyubit user).
  • Creating Analytic Model from CSV file, now includes option to set the network path so it could be processed by the scheduled job. (Previously working only on IE)
  • The current user can see a list of all groups related to his membership in the 'User Settings' form.
  • An 'Hour' information could be now added to the OLAP Time-Intelligence definition for the member unique expression.
  • 'Recent Items Clear' option on the home screen on the 'Recently Used' section. Clears all recent items related to dashboards, analysis and queries.
  • Analytic Model - Column that is defined as a 'Sorting Key Column' is not displayed in the Analytic Model structure at the time of analysis.
  • FIX - The Card chart on the dashboard shows 'Last Change' value with the same formatting as the main value.
  • FIX - Date Picker correctly translated to other languages when using Kyubit multilingual options.
  • FIX - Editing the dashboard filter position the same filter on the end of all filters.
  • FIX - Dashboard 'Quick Explore' action works correctly on the chart related to analysis with category and multiple measures on the series.
  • FIX - OLAP Analysis. Level filtering with 'Bottom Count'.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 August 27th - Service Release 5.1.1

  • URL to immediately access analyses is [YOURKYUBITURL]/Analyses
  • URL to immediately access dashboards is [YOURKYUBITURL]/Dashboards
  • Improvements in Analytic Model processing.
  • Improvements for Decomposition analysis.
  • FIX - Opening new analysis results with error in some situations.
  • FIX - Export of analysis with textual measure values to Excel.
  • FIX - Broken report structure in some combination of expanded series.
  • FIX - 'Expand All Axis Members' in combination with [ALL] aggregate.
  • FIX - 'Expand All Mode' when working with Named sets in some situations not correctly displayed on the report view.
  • Other minor issues and overall product improvements.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 June 17th - Release 5.1 Release Notes

  • Resize Analysis Columns with Mouse Moves
    Use mouse move to resize any of the category or measure columns on the grid analysis. Define the width for each of the category and measure columns precisely with your mouse movement. Previously set using predefined options from the menu for categories and measures in general. Columns widths defined with mouse resize action respected in the Report View as well.
  • Alternative Measure Caption and Format String
    While working with OLAP or Analytic MOdel grid analysis, set the measure Alternative caption and Format String, which allows setting more appropriate measure naming and number format in the given context for the end-user. For example, to shorten your measure name often sound better than official measure name and sometimes it is just more appropriate.
  • 230+ Geo Maps
    A lot of new Geo maps are included with the product in this release. Many new countries now have support to display its data geographically on the dashboards. Some countries have additional regional divisions that could be more convenient to display values for. A new (more detailed) World map is included for finer insights on the dashboard.
  • Geo Map Improvements
    A Geo map selection dialog form is provided to search the right geo map to use. (Drop-down list is not appropriate anymore) Geo map names are originally on the English language, but the alternative name could be set in the Kyubit database, GeoMaps table. Geo locations presented with the circles are now painted with semi-transparent colors.
  • Calculations View on the Dashboards
    Calculations Views defined on the analysis (OLAP or Analytic Model) are now respected when displaying the same analysis on the dashboard, mobile view and subscriptions. (% of Grand Total, % of Column Total, % of Row Total, Running Totals (Series), Running Totals (Categories), % of Specific Row, % of Specific Column, % of Specific Cell, Difference from Specific Cell and others.)
  • Analytic Models support for Key Sort Order
    While designing the Analytic Model for each dimension level column there could be set another 'Key column' that holds the values that could be used for sorting purposes. For example, dimension level 'Months' contains values 'January', 'February', etc, which are not convenient from sorting perspective. Set alternative values for the sorting of the same dimension level.
  • Cross-Multitenant Content
    When using the application in the multitenant mode, now it is possible to create a single analysis or dashboard that will show different data for each of the tenants because such 'Cross-Multitenant' content will use different data sources (relative to the tenant) to display tenant data.
  • Multitenant Properties
    When using a multitenant approach where many tenants use the same data source, to differentiate data results for tenants, the 'Multitenant Properties' feature could be used which could be set on analysis and dashboard objects. Designed to be used with the cross-multitenant feature.
  • Mobile View Improvements. Scrolling the dashboard content on the mobile view is smooth (Preventing unintentional popup menu). Chart menu is opened with the finger tap on the chart segment. "MobileDeviceAutoRedirect" web.config attribute sets to auto-redirect content to mobile view if it is accessed from mobile devices. Menu options for 'Home' and 'Login' inside the dashboard view. Chart visual details and alignments improved. Navigating issues related to iOS fixed.
  • "WhereClauseDefaultChoice" web.config attribute sets the application to use OLAP filtering with the default "WHERE" instead of the "SUBCUBE" filtering option.
  • "HideDashboardFilterButton" web.config attribute hides the dashboard filter button while not working in the dashboard design view. If the dashboard is saved with the filter panel closed, using this option, the end-user will not be able to see the dashboard filters applied (if for any reason, this is a convenient behavior for the current environment).
  • "Named Sets" and "User Calculated Measures" are now part of Export/Import actions as well.
  • Multitenant White-Labeling Each tenant has its own logo and text while using the same application instance.
  • FIX - changing login name constrain login name uniqueness in a multitenant environment.
  • FIX - calculated member excluded from filtering dialog.
  • FIX - 'Continue Analysis' does not appear on the dashboard expanded chart view, if 'Analysis Icon' is set to 'Hide'.
  • Improvement - In the Multitenant environment, if the user did not provide his Windows credentials for Subscription execution, Tenant Windows credentials (if exists) will be taken to run the subscription.
  • Improvement - Combo chart displays Line chart as a dashed line, only if both charts are set to be of 'Line Chart' type.
  • FIX - Analysis history back and forward does not loose Grid KPI and formatting definitions. The issue has occurred in some situations.
  • Improvement - Dashboard design mode does not allow analytics and chart menu openings on the dashboard charts.
  • FIX - Click on the dashboard chart value while in design mode results in chart moving around the dashboard area, which was unintentional and annoying behavior.
  • Improvement - Testing the chart in the edit tile mode results in the unnecessary scrollable HTML content.
  • FIX - The sunburst chart visualization respects TOP X defined in the analysis, while end-user additionally expands its members.
  • FIX - Dynamic text in Dashboard Header or Tile Description was not working as expected after selecting query/analysis for the tile.
  • FIX - Subscription execution applies 'User Properties' of the subscription creator user to the subscribed content delivery.
  • FIX - Smaller improvements and visual enhancements.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 March 6th - Service Release 5.0.3

  • FIX - Adding the filters to the Report based on the Analytic Model data.
  • FIX - OLAP analysis with Parent-Child dimension fully expanded and regular dimension attribute added on the same axis.
  • FIX - Dashboard Table chart Drill-down feature when OLAP calculated measures using the CurrentMember statements.
  • FIX - Dashboard Table chart Drill-down feature when using Named sets.
  • FIX - Quick explore feature on the TreeMap chart when using the Analytic Model data.
  • FIX - Drill-down dashboard chart when the legend is set to the 'Right' position.
  • FIX - Continue Analysis passing filters from the Dashboard to Analysis (In certain circumstances).
  • FIX - Using the URL to pass values for the Dashboard filter. In situations when multiple values for the same filter are passed and the edited, the display was not correct.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 February 27th - Service Release 5.0.2

  • Improvement - Dashboard Filters for Analytic Model could be set using URL querystring parameters (like OLAP filters)
  • Improvement - Dashboard "List" chart displays up to 20 items on the dashboard (Previously 10). All items are visible in the expanded view.
  • Improvement - KPI based on a single Analytic Model measure with no categories/series.
  • Improvement - The "Card chart" value label vertical alignment corrected for Chrome/Firefox.
  • Improvement - The "HeatMap" chart displays only color range labels (if any) that nicely fit the chart layout.
  • Improvement - When using Kyubit with the login form, after choosing the logout, the browser back button does not return to the previous page.
  • FIX - Edit visual details of the 'Table chart' columns on the Dashboard
  • FIX - Dashboard Pie Chart. Tooltip on click corrected display.
  • FIX - Decomposition analysis with the last level Top X, correct display on the dashboard.
  • FIX - Delta chart, first and the last label aligns corrected.
  • FIX - Chrome issue with the geo chart opened in the expanded view (the chart was not aligned).
  • FIX - Geo meter displays the dashboard color pallet correctly.
  • FIX - Dashboard hierarchy analysis charts (Table and Sunburst) correctly accept dashboard filters when working with Analytic Models (Problem occurred in certain situations).
  • FIX - Dashboard drillthrough chart. Export to Excel.
  • FIX - Toggle Calculated Members
  • FIX - Using chart 'Cache' feature on the dashboard with the 'Combo chart' and the 'Geo map + Geo Location'.
  • FIX - Editing a 'Named Set' from the Share Items section.
  • FIX - Issue related to opening a report while using Non-English UI language and using [All] as aggregate in the analysis.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 February 12th - Service Release 5.0.1

  • No more a 'Session timeout' message when starting a new analysis after a time of inactivity.
  • Aggregate [All] for OLAP data on the Dashboard charts. Previously, only SUM and AVG were available.
  • The breadcrumbs displayed on a multipage report. Multipage report design-mode is visually polished. Minor issues related to a multipage report resolved.
  • 'What-if' and 'Cell update' grid analysis options removed from the default software setup. Could be added on the client request.
  • 'Expand all levels' action on the grid analysis, visible only if there are at least 2 levels added on the category axis.
  • 'Recently Used' list on the home page displays appropriate icons for the decomposition and multipage report usage.
  • FIX - Directly open a Query/KPI design form when working on the dashboard design > tile edit.
  • FIX - Full support for Unicode display when working with a dashboard or decomposition analysis. Previously, some details (like decomposition title) were not supported for Unicode character usage, which results in unrecognized characters when used with non-Latin letters.
  • FIX - Dashboard KPI not ideally vertically aligned when the tile title is displayed in two rows (longer titles).
  • FIX - Kyubit setup does not require a 'Software Assurance' to upgrade when used with a subscription license.
  • FIX - Exclude KPI from the dashboard filtering (KPI explicit filter management).
  • FIX - Combo chart with separate Y-axis display corrected.
  • FIX - Analysis Model grid analysis, now also supports a measure compare to render KPI in the analysis/report (this option is still not supported to be used on the dashboard).
  • FIX - FireFox right-click on the geo map on the dashboard, correctly opens a context menu.
  • FIX - Corrections while editing grid analysis filters that are included as a 'Continue Analysis' from the dashboard.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2020 January 22nd - Release 5.0 Release Notes

  • Architectural changes
    New architectural changes are applied to the whole application usage and delivers faster loading of required content, fewer page requests within application usage, smarter caching of HTML content, smoother transitions between application sections and faster session start (log in) for each user. Faster and asynchronous loading of the tree with the OLAP cube structure in grid/chart analysis.
  • User Interface Upgrade
    New application toolbar menus, which displays possible actions for each application section along with the descriptions for each action. A user is better informed of what each action is designed for. New toolbars with icons for the analysis and dashboard. The application is using a slightly different font family (Open Sans), which contributes to the overall application user interface impression.
  • Home Page Configuration
    The customizable right section of the Home Page. Now, each user can choose to display custom data (created analysis or query) on the home page. Options for administrators to configure what to display on the Home Page right section in the web.config file. Link on the bottom that displays the number of new objects (Analysis, Dashboard) within the last 3 days.
  • Publishing Analysis Improvements
    Publishing analysis design form visually enhanced. Impersonation now works with the same or different domain name. Auto-refresh published analysis test page after each change of publishing visual attributes. Toggle toolbar display option. Choose to display 'Continue Analysis' and 'Add Filter' buttons on the report (while designing the analysis in the 'Report > Visuals' section).
  • Decomposition Analysis Improvements
    Decomposition Analysis now also works with Analytic Models. If your data is based on the CSV file or SQL database, now it is possible to create quick analytic decomposition of the data in multiple steps. Decomposition user interface visually enhanced and new toolbar applied. Send to printer option included.
  • Dashboard Table chart Drilled-Down (Expandable)
    Dashboard Table chart now can display drilled-down levels on the category axis (previously only the first dimension level was displayed). With this new feature, it is easy to create analysis with preferred expanded (drilled-down) items, which will be represented the same way while displayed on the dashboard.
  • Dashboard 'Compare Analysis'
    When observing a dashboard chart based on OLAP or Analytic Model analysis, a user has an option to compare currently displayed data with the same data when applied with a different set of filters. On the same chart, both sets of data are displayed for easy comparison.
  • Delta Chart
    When using a Combo chart (or Compare analysis) a Delta chart is a small chart displayed above main chart values to comprehensively display differences between two sets of values. The 'Delta Chart' displays the difference for each item between Combo chart value sets (or cumulative).
  • Analytic Model Improvements
    Analytic Model creation based on CSV file now supports semicolon (;) and comma (,) delimiters. The process automatically recognizes which delimiter to use. Filtering analytic model with date filter now includes functions "Last Months", "Last Week", "Last Years" and "Last Days" with an option to decide to include current Year/Month/Date or only previous. Processing of the same Analytic Model with different items sorting does not result in broken filters on the dashboard and analysis. (Applied filters do not depend on the given item ID in the Analytic Model).
  • OLAP Analysis, Toggle Level Aggregates (available from version 4.3.4)
    While creating OLAP grid analysis, for each level added on the category or series axis, toggle the display of aggregate Row/Column for that level and compose analysis with aggregations on the levels you prefer. Previously, the aggregate function was applied on every added dimension level on both axes with no option to choose its display.
  • Set Alternative Measure
    While assigning analysis to a Dashboard chart or KPI, a user can choose different (alternative) measure than already existing in the analysis to display a chart or a KPI for other measures, not having to create a new separate analysis for that purpose.
  • Dashboard Tiles Order
    When designing a dashboard a user can choose tiles order that will be applied when the dashboard is used in Mobile View, PDF Export and Slides view. Because the dashboard itself is constructed with a free-to-resize-and-position tiles approach, it is not easy to determine the order of the tiles.
  • Dashboard Breadcrumbs
    Each dashboard above title contains a link to the home page and the link to the folder from which the dashboard is opened. To disable breadcrumbs display on the whole application level, set "HideDashboardBreadcrumb" in the web.config file to "1".
  • Dashboard Mobile view and Embedding Info
    While working with the dashboard in desktop (standard) view, using the Options menu a user can get a preview (and idea) how to use and display the same dashboard using mobile devices (and how it will look) or embed to another HTML page.
  • Simplified Dashboard Filter selection
    Dashboard analysis filters (OLAP and Analytic Model) are opened by default in a minified view that shows only simple member selection (most simple). To avoid confusion for end-users with all filtering options. Always visible button to switch to normal filters dialog form with more options if required by the user.
  • To-Date OLAP functions
    OLAP Time Intelligence feature now includes Year-To-Date, Month-To-Date, Week-To-Date and Day-to-Date function to easy select date-range up to the current date.
  • TreeMap text size depends on the area size.
  • Activity Log retention days could be limited in the web.config key "ActivityLogRetentionDays". If a number is set for this attribute it will represent the number of days after which activity logs are deleted.
  • The 'Visitor' role cannot change anything in the application. Previously, a visitor could get assigned 'Write' permission explicitly.
  • Within dashboard design, set the display of 'Continue Analysis' action on the chart menu, chart itself or hide the action.
  • Grid analysis also saves the status of hidden panels (filter, cube structure and measures). Toggle of visible panels is saved and applied when an analysis is reopened.
  • MDX queries could be combined with OLAP filtering on the dashboard. OLAP filters selected by the user will be applied to charts that are based on MDX queries, providing simple data slicing over any MDX query results.
  • Dashboard Quick explore analysis could be combined with Chart drill-down features. Quick explore analysis could be opened on drilled data, and drill-down could be applied to quick explore results.
  • When exporting dashboard with 'Combo chart' to PDF file, original and compared sets as included in the table of values.
  • Minor changes in email templates text for email notifications (when new analysis or dashboard is added). Folder C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence\EmailTemplates.
  • Use of 'User Properties' feature with Analytic Models in Analysis and Dashboards.
  • Analysis with Analytic Model, selecting relative date range filters automatically displays the same range on the calendar visualization.
  • New column width "XXXXL" in grid analysis.
  • The header title for all messages in the application is now configurable within the white-label feature. If not configured, it displays "Kyubit Business Intelligence".
  • Sharp edge display of the dashboard Column and Bar charts. (Previously, edge points were interpolated, which was resulting in somewhat blurry edges.)
  • Dashboard 'Expanded View' export to PDF file, automatically includes a table of values below the exported chart.
  • Dashboard 'Card chart' value label automatically adjusting font size to best match display for the current window size and resolution.
  • FIX - Browser zoom to 110% and 125% while working with grid analysis data, correctly works with all browsers. (Previously, grid cells not correctly aligned with Chrome and Edge browser.)
  • FIX - Published analysis does not displays the chart when 'Cache Time' was enabled.
  • FIX - Published analysis manipulating filters.
  • FIX - Dashboard Line chart 'blinking point' (Last point in the line chart that is animated), can be selected for further analytic actions. (Previously it could not be selected in all situations)
  • FIX - KPI displayed in Large view or Slides view in some situations was cutting of bottom or top of the line chart for the same KPI.
  • FIX - Dashboard chart aggregates when chart displays analysis with multiple measures and no dimensions as series.
  • FIX - Grid analysis that includes expanding of the Parent-Child OLAP dimension
  • FIX - Recent Analysis list was not automatically populated with newly created analysis.
  • FIX - Email notifications send correctly emails on new object creation for the folder with enabled notifications.
  • FIX - Email notifications visually enhanced.
  • FIX - Grid defined KPI not correctly working in some situations.
  • FIX - SQL query issues when using 'User Properties' in some cases.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 September 6th - Minor Release 4.3.4

  • Choose particular 'Calculated Members' for each added dimension level to be displayed on the analysis.
  • Show/Hide aggregation column/row for each added dimension level on the analysis.
  • FIX - Mobile access authentication issues.
  • FIX - Issues while editing 'Geo Locations' in Administration sections.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 August 26th - Service Release 4.3.3

  • FIX - SQL queries using with 'User Properties' feature.
  • FIX - Dashboard filters, searching for members in OLAP dimensions.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 July 19th - Minor Release 4.3.2

  • Tutorials form that is available on the 'Bulb' icon click (next to User Settings in the upper-right corner) or optionally on startup.
  • External URL Icon. If the dashboard chart contains definition to open custom URL, now there is an option to click on the always visible icon, instead of having to click on the chart point. To set external URL Icon, edit 'CustomURLIcon' in the web.config file.
  • FIX - Issues with the combo chart.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 June 19th - Service Release 4.3.1

  • FIX - Analytic Model, 'Calculated Measures' behavior.
  • FIX - Analytic Model, 'Calculated Measures' expression for the values that cannot be null (division by zero issue) have to be included in the NULLIF([Measure],0) statement.
  • FIX - Dashboard column charts. Category labels not centered below columns.
  • FIX - Dashboard chart drill-down and 'back' actions.
  • FIX - Switching the chart type to 'Sunburst' on the dashboard and drill-down.
  • FIX - Minor changes in the Russian translation file.
  • FIX - Adding shortcuts on mobile devices to Kyubit BI mobile view, includes Kyubit icon.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 June 3rd - Release 4.3 Release Notes

  • Sunburst Analytics
    The Sunburst chart displays multiple levels of data analysis (OLAP/Analytic Model) on the same chart, with the option to further drill-down the data, change dimension levels and provide data visualizations in multiple analytic steps. The Sunburst chart is the first dashboard chart visualization designed to present a hierarchy of data, where user can quickly estimate the impact of each data member in any level of the hierarchy. Initial structure (expanded members) of the Sunburst visualization is identical to the saved analysis that is used for the visualization, while it takes only a click to drill-down any member on the chart to the next analytic level. Furthermore, a user can change levels of the Sunburst chart to a different dimension and analyze data in any other way, making this visualization a convenient tool for data exploration and discovery.
  • Subscription Improvements
    Scheduled Subscriptions now include an option to send scheduled emails multiple times within a subscription day every X minutes between starting and ending subscription time within a day (Recurring subscriptions). For example, a recurring subscription could be set to deliver reports/dashboards every 45 minutes between 09:00 and 15:30, within a single subscription definition (entry). Quarterly subscriptions could deliver scheduled subscription for a report/dashboard at the beginning of every new calendar quarter.
  • Calculated Measures for Analytic Model
    The feature for Analytic Models based on the SQL/CSV data provides the creation of the calculated measures any time working with analysis. Based on the current measures from analytic model a user can create expressions that would be used to create a new calculated measure, which is evaluated and displayed within an analysis as any other regular measure from the model. Each created calculated measure is optionally secured by the user/group permissions and could be anytime edited if with appropriate permission rights. While constructing the calculated measure, a user could use arithmetic operators and mathematical functions to prepare the final expression.

    + (Add) - (Subtract) * (Multiply)
    / (Divide) % (Modulo)
  • Drill-through on the Dashboard
    Up till now, a drill-through could have been displayed as an additional action on the displayed dashboard chart that is based on OLAP/Analytic Model analysis. A new option is to display initially drill-trough results in the moment of dashboard opening respecting existing dashboard filters. Usually, drill-through results contain specific leaf-level details from OLAP/analytic model and its convenient to present with the Table chart. For example, now a dashboard can initially display a list of names, emails, phone numbers and dates related to the sales of the current month from our data OLAP/analytic model, by adding a Table chart that is connected to existing drill-through results.
  • New SQL query parameters semantic
    This release provides new simpler ways to add parameters to SQL queries that could be used both with T-SQL queries (for 'MS SQL Server'), but also for SQL queries that will be used with ODBC data sources on the same way.

    Example ...

    Select * from Products
    Where 1=1
    {@par1: and productName like '%@par1%'}

    If parameter @par1 is not provided, the query is executed without phrase within curly brackets.
    If parameter @par1 is provided, using dashboard filter inputs, phrase for will be used replacing @par1 with the actual value.

    Very convenient to create SQL based dashboards with filters, that use ODBC data sources. Quickly create SQL based dashboard that queries and filters your Access and Excel data using ODBC data sources.
  • Configurable Dashboard Filters Panel
    Width of the dashboard filters panel could be anytime resized by moving the slider in the middle of the panel. If the dashboard is saved with a certain panel width, it will be respected while opening the dashboard anytime afterward. If the dashboard filters panel is hidden while saving the dashboard, it will remain hidden for all users initially when opening the same dashboard.
  • Dashboard Chart Value Label Improvements
    Labels on the dashboard charts that display actual values often were overlapping each other, making it harder to read the values when there was a lot of labels. New labels overlapping avoidance ensures that labels are not displayed one over other, making visual impression much clearer and comprehensible. A new option is also to display value labels using short display, making a label smaller. For example, $1,123,212.24 is displayed as 1.1M. In many cases produces clearer and more reasonable value labels display.
  • Bar chart for the dashboards
    Finally, we include 'Bar chart' for the dashboards, which similar to 'Column chart' displays bars respecting the data source values horizontally. In many cases, more appropriate to display value impact, especially if items are with longer names, as there is more horizontal space for rendering. A Bar chart is provided as a regular bar chart, 'Bar Chart 100%' and 'Bar Chart Stacked', which analog to previous 'Column chart' groups series into a single bar.
  • Dashboard chart value info
    Click to toggle the display of any chart value info panel. Previously, value info panel was displayed only with mouseover event, which did not behave great when there are many values (chart segments) and mouse over was not convenient to display/hide particular value information. Now, at any time click on a particular value to toggle value info panel.
  • External content URL features
    Open external content from the dashboard chart with new options to set various dynamically created data inside URL to match external content requirements. Use placeholders to add data about selected chart segment to final URL opening external content.
    Available placeholders:
    {CategoryDimensionLevelName} - Level name of the selected chart point on the category axis.
    {CategoryDimensionLevelUniqueName} - Level unique name of the selected chart point on the category axis.
    {CategoryMemberUniqueName} - Member unique name of the selected chart point on the category axis.
    {CategoryMemberName} - Member name of the selected chart point on the category axis.
    {SeriesDimensionLevelName} - Level name of the selected chart point on the series axis.
    {SeriesMemberUniqueName} - Member unique name of the selected chart point on the series axis.
    {SeriesMemberName} - Member name of the selected chart point on the series axis.
    {MeasureName} - Measure Name of the selected chart point.
    {PointValue} - Value of the selected chart point.
  • Dashboard drill-through export
    Dashboard drill-through export includes more information and a nicer Excel file structure display.
  • Improvements on the dashboard Combo chart regarding Legend, Axis Titles and Value Labels.
  • Visual improvements for the decomposition analysis.
  • Visual improvements for the Mobile BI.
  • Dashboard chart URL to open external content could be defined with custom query string parameters.
  • FIX - Analysis export to Excel display total rows/columns with a different color.
  • FIX - Analytic Model row sorting applied on the dashboard chart.
  • FIX - Scheduled subscription, calculating different time-zone in some scenarios was not correct.
  • FIX - Measure information was missing on some chart types while displaying particular point value information.
  • FIX - 'Expanded View' on the dashboard chart correctly exporting to the Excel file.
  • FIX - Combo chart value information panel correct measure display. Small improvements and polishing of the Combo chart.
  • FIX - 'Remove all categories' action with 'Expand All Mode' feature in the OLAP grid analysis.
  • FIX - Exporting Analytic Model analysis to PDF file, correct display of measure names.
  • FIX - Dashboard Table chart aggregations, the correct display also when applied only for categories.
  • FIX - Dashboard Line Chart with Min Y-axis defined with percent is calculated based on minimum chart value.
  • FIX - Dashboard chart slideshow. Correct order sequence of charts on the dashboard.
  • FIX - Analytic Model search members, 'Next Page' action.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 March 5th - Service Release 4.2.2

  • Exporting KPI and Dashboards definition to XML also include 'Dynamic Text' analyses and queries if defined.
  • FIX - Issues when exporting analysis to CSV file.
  • FIX - Applying alphabetical sorting on series when using 'Analytic Model' analysis on dashboards.
  • FIX - Message that 'Date' field could be used only as filter slicer when using 'Analytic Model' analysis.
  • FIX - Minor issues when adding and removing a user to be tenant admin (when using the application in multitenant mode).
  • FIX - Minor issues when exiting 'Use as slicer' chart mode on the dashboard with Geo map.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2019 February 13th - Service Release 4.2.1

  • Geo map could be used as dashboard 'Slicer' chart. Choosing 'Use as slicer' on the geo map will add an option to filter other charts on the dashboard that are based on the same data source. Each region selected as a slicer will turn to a red color indicating a selection. Multiple regions are allowed as slicer selections.
  • Other chart types defined as dashboard slicers also implement red color as color marking chart selected items.
  • 'Analytic Model' now supports data source column names that include various culture-specific characters.
  • Sending an email in case of subscription execution error to 'ErrorReceivingEmail' defined in subscription config file.
  • FIX - Implementing permissions on ODBC data sources.
  • FIX - Large scorecard does not fit to dashboard 'Expanded View'. Resolved with scrollbars.
  • FIX - Dashboard 'Column chart' values labels are not horizontally centered over the columns in some situations.
  • FIX - Deleting analyses and dashboards directly from the search results list.
  • FIX - Searching for 'Analytic Model' members to be applied as filters on the dashboard.
  • FIX - KPI icon not aligned on the dashboard (Chrome browser).
  • FIX - Renaming of existing analysis was failing in some situations.
  • FIX - KPI defined as 'Lower is better' and success target of 0 was not properly resolved.
  • FIX - Analysis defined with no category, but only expanded series and multiple measures were not correctly transformed to report or Excel/PDF file.
  • FIX - Exporting of analysis to Excel file with 'Inline Categories'. In some cases, items were repeating unnecessarily.
  • FIX - 'Analytic Model' analysis had issues with date filtering, not including the starting date.
  • FIX - 'Quick Explore' view issues when applied on the dashboard 'Expanded View'.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 December 18th - Release 4.2 Release Notes

  • Import-Export features
    Kyubit presents a set of features related to exporting and importing of various Kyubit application objects (created by users) between different instances of Kyubit BI application. Possible objects related to import/export features are 'Data Source', 'Analysis/Report', 'Dashboard', 'Query', 'KPI' and 'Scorecard'. With a few clicks, a user with an 'Admin' role has a privilege to export selected objects to a file, which could be imported (uploaded) to any other Kyubit application instance. Import-Export features are especially interesting for any environment with multiple instances of Kyubit BI, which often includes Development, QA, Test and Production instance. Created Reports, Dashboards and other objects now could be quickly distributed on all Kyubit instances without manual work to recreate them. Furthermore, Import-Export features include 'dependency' recognition (optionally), which will include in an export not only selected object but also all objects that selected object depends on throughout entire application hierarchically, which is especially useful. For example, export of single dashboard, in that case, would automatically include 'Analyses', 'Queries', 'KPI', and also the dependency of those objects all the way up to 'Data Sources'. Each object using import-Export features is assigned a unique identifier, which allows that single object could be synchronized multiple times, making sure that object would be correctly imported to appropriate object on any Kyubit instance. It is a simple way to synchronize your work on multiple instances of Kyubit BI application available to 'Admin' application role and using any of the Kyubit licensing editions.
  • 'Visitor' user role
    All users are defined in one of the 3 application roles: 'Visitor', 'Creator' and 'Admin'. 'Visitor' role does not allow the creation of new content (analysis, queries, dashboards, etc.) and a user can see only content for which user is authorized. 'Visitor role can see only 'Home', 'Analysis', 'Dashboard' and 'Schedule' application sections. 'Data Sources', 'Queries', 'KPI/Scorecard' and 'OLAP Shared Items' sections are hidden. 'Creator' role allows a user to create new content and has all application sections visible except 'Administration', but requires permissions to access any created application object not created by the same user (all users on existing application instances are automatically set as 'Creators'). 'Admin' role has all application sections visible and does not require permission to access any application object.
  • 'Expand All' OLAP Analysis Mode
    Expanding of all category levels with a single MDX query. Until now, Kyubit OLAP analysis was working only in (what we call now) 'Step-By-Step' analysis mode, where members of the category and series axis are expanded to lower levels with additional MDX query to SSAS. That was not perfect if you wish to expand all members on all category levels, which will actually execute a whole tree of MDX statements to render all members of all levels on the category axis. 'Expand All' OLAP Analysis Mode will take all added levels on the category level, single level on series (if defined) and any number of measures to execute a single MDX query and render the results, resulting in a much better performance when dealing with expanding all category members. This mode has an advantage only in case you need to quickly expand multiple levels because members could not be expand-collapse additionally. The disadvantage is also that a single series level is allowed in this mode. Anytime switch between 'Step-By-Step' (default) and 'Expand All' OLAP Analysis Mode in the 'Options' menu within the analysis.
  • Dashboard Tile Caching
    For each tile on the dashboard, 'Cache' time could be set, which will store results of that tile (chart/visualization) in the application memory for the specified amount of time. In case you have a lot of users accessing the same dashboard that should see the same results, many times it is not necessary to actually everytime access data sources to pull fresh data. For example, if data old 10 minutes are good enough for end-users, it would be wise to set 10 minutes 'Cache' on that tiles and save resources by not accessing data sources for the fresh data every time dashboard is opened.
  • Dynamic Text in Dashboard and Tiles
    The text of Dashboard Header/Footer and Tile Description can contain dynamic values from previously created analysis and queries (first cell value is used). Text input for those elements now includes 'picker' (marked as {}) that will allow you to quickly select an object from which value will be pulled. For example, now you can quickly set description text explaining which is the most sold product this year in words.
  • HTML support in Dashboard and Tiles
    The text of Dashboard Header/Footer and Tile Description can contain HTML, which is a convenient way to provide enhanced text for end-users but also to add a custom link or similar. This feature should not be used to add some complex HTML to text descriptions. While exporting dashboard to PDF, plain text (without HTML) will be used.
  • Dashboard Tile Menu
    Dashboard tiles include an icon on the top-right corner to open tile menu. Tile menu contains many visual options for the chart/visualization as well as 'Continue Analysis' and 'Expand View' options.
  • White-Label Configuration
    Provide White-Label details in web.config and your images to White-Label folder which is the official way to include custom text and your logo images, that will persist after each application upgrade. White-label options are available only with Kyubit Enterprise Edition license. (Previously White-Label options was manually set in HTML files and images folder)
  • HeatMap Analytics for Dashboard
    Dashboards now include also HeatMap visualization that beside default value-color range, supports additional ranges with custom colors, providing beautiful and quick visual analytic insights to rendered data.
  • Redesigned Bubble-Scatter chart
    Bubble-Scatter chart nows renders only data with 2 or 3 measures, where 1st measure values are on Y-axis, 2nd measure values are on X-axis and 3rd measure values are presented by the size of the bubble. Great impression of multiple measures impact for the analysis/query members at the same time.
  • SQL query type 'Category, Series, Value'
    Writing default query 'Category, Values' for dashboard visualization will simply render all query rows as categories, while columns will be rendered as series. Sometimes for query writer is not simple to transform values that appear in rows to be displayed as columns (which often requires more complex SQL queries writing) and in this case 'Category, Series, Value' query should be used that will simply put all first column values on categories, second column values to series and third column values as measures (values).
  • SQL/MDX query editor 'Expanded View'
    While writing and test SQL/MDX queries, a user can quickly expand query/results window for a more convenient way to complete query writing.
  • KPI 'Middle-Range' Success
    New KPI success type that requires values to meet provided range (thresholds) to be evaluated as 'Success', additional (wider) range for values to be evaluated as 'Even' and any other values would be evaluated as 'Fail'. In other words, KPI success could be interpreted as 'Closer is better' (to a defined range of values).
  • Scorecard columns selection
    Explicitly set which Scorecard columns to display on the dashboard, configurable in Tile -> Options.
  • Spline chart
    Display values with 'curved' lines chart on the dashboard and option to set 'Tension' value related to how much lines will be curved.
  • Cluster Column Chart
    Currently supported only with SQL queries. The query has to be constructed in such a way that category members include cluster group and category item separated by '#' character (group1#item1, group1#item2, etc)
  • Column Chart - Min-Y and Max-Y
    Line chart, Spline chart, and Column chart now support setting Min-Y and Max-Y values on the chart.
  • Time-Intelligence <monthname> and <monthshortname> placeholders
    When defining Time-Intelligence definitions new placeholders could be used that would replace member unique name with current culture month name or current culture month short name.
  • Kyubit License and Analytic Models support
    Analytic Models will be counted separately than external data sources regarding licensing. Team Edition license will support 5 Analytic Models, Standard Edition - 20 Analytic Models, Company Edition - 50 Analytic Models, while for more than 50 Analytic Models, Enterprise Edition will be required. This model will give more space and opportunity to existing license owners to test, explore and utilize great Analytic Model feature.
  • Analytic Models Processing Performance
    Improved performance of processing data and preparing Analytic Models.
  • User Interface Improvements
    Many visual details are improved, including display of Text inputs, Drop-down inputs, Checkboxes, Menus, Form paddings, etc.
  • Dashboard 'Continue Analysis' option (available on OLAP/Analytic model based charts) could be disabled on dashboard level.
  • Point details on the dashboard chart could be toggled by the mouse click (previously only on mouse hover event, which was not accurate if many points were close to each other).
  • New dashboards are created only in 'Free Position' mode, which we find much better and more popular approach than old 'Column Based' dashboards. We can send instructions how to enable old 'Column Based' dashboard, in case anyone needs for any reason.
  • When a new chart is added to the dashboard, the default is to display 'Top 3' value labels.
  • Geo Maps - Included all US states map with counties.
  • Geo Maps - Included map of all US counties on a single map. (Takes few seconds to render, but visually could be impressive)
  • Windows Home Edition, officially excluded from the Kyubit supported operating systems. Lack of support for some authentication models on Windows Home edition was leading to many problems and inconsistencies. Kyubit is supported on any Windows operating system, except Windows Home Edition.
  • FIX - Creating dashboard PDF was resulting in PDF with missing charts on slower networks (client-server architecture). Additional updates ensure PDF is always correctly populated with all the chart.
  • FIX - Auto-resize of Analysis initial row that depends on the length of the measure text. Previously longer text of the measure (3 lines) could lead to aligning/visual problems.
  • FIX - End-user can now copy/paste text from the dashboard. (Those mouse events were disabled previously)
  • FIX - Report View. Simultaneously changing of report filters and report 'Visuals' does not exclude each other values.
  • FIX - Report chart. Integer values are no more displayed as decimals on chart labels.
  • FIX - Defining KPI with thresholds with decimals. The problem was occurring for some cultures.
  • FIX - Scorecard with many items (KPIs) resulted in visual inconsistencies when displaying in 'Expanded View'.
  • FIX - Scorecards management view now could be correctly sorted.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 September 21st - Minor Release 4.1.7

  • Huge performance improvements when processing 'Analytic Models'.
    Optimized process of creating analytic structures from CSV files and SQL query results prepares analytic structures up to 10x faster.
    See results of the processing performance testing with various number of rows.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 September 14th - Minor Release 4.1.6

  • Embedded BI feature updates. Improvements while integrating analytics and visualizations created in Kyubit to custom web page or application.
  • Embedded BI support to integrate 'Analytic Model' analysis and visualizations to any HTML page.
  • Embedded BI support to integrate 'Geo Map' cities and location Geo markers analysis visualiaztion to any HTML page.
  • Embedded analytics improved support to implement OLAP, Analytic Model and SQL slicers on analysis and visualizations integrated to any HTML page.
  • Fix - Decomposition analysis on Multipage report.
  • Fix - Selecting slicer on dashboard related to 'Analytic Model' data.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 August 23th - Minor Service Release 4.1.5

  • Configure partial rendering of OLAP cube structure ("PartialOLAPStructure") in web.config. Useful when OLAP cube contains great numbers of measures or dimension elements. Faster rendering of OLAP cube structure with partial rendering. When partial rendering is not active, complete OLAP cube structure is loaded at once (default).
  • FIX - Selecting 'All' item in analysis and dashboard filters
  • FIX - Opening analysis as report when logged on as Kyubit user (user created in Kyubit application), correctly impersonating call to data sources.
  • FIX - Running dashboard within IFRAME HTML element (within another web application). Resolved issues related to Cross-Origin calls, some variables where not accessible.
  • FIX - When creating user in Kyubit application, username length constraint changed to 3 characters.
  • FIX - Level filtering and sorting of 'Analytic models' analysis on the dashboard.
  • FIX - 'Analytic model' measures can contains hyphen character ("-") and can start with number character.
  • FIX - 'Analytic model' processing when values are of long (BigInt) type.
  • FIX - Subscription issues with 'Analytic Models' when SQL server instance is not localhost.
  • FIX - 'Analytic Models' issues with date formatting.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 July 26th - Minor Service Release 4.1.4

  • FIX - Browsing parent-child OLAP dimension members while selecting filtering members.
  • FIX - Display of charts based on query results in mobile view.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 July 23th - Minor Service Release 4.1.3

  • FIX - Administration of Geo Locations (minor tweaks and improvements).
  • FIX - Application now does not allow creation of User Calculated Measure with name that is already used.
  • FIX - Geo markers (locations) display on Dashboard based on query.
  • FIX - Editing users created in Kyubit.
  • FIX - KPI issue displaying "+-" at the same time in some circumstances.
  • FIX - Time Intelligence slicers support for Analysis Services running in 'Case Sensitive' mode.
  • FIX - Problems with displaying measures in cube structure on some environments. All measures displayed as 'Ungrouped'

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 July 10th - Minor Service Release 4.1.2

  • Fast rendering of OLAP cube structure (left panel in analysis). Especially noticeable on larger cube structures with many measures and dimension levels.
  • Minor enhancements for 'Gauge' display in dashboard.
  • FIX - Selecting dimension members when working with FireFox. (Analysis, Reports and Dashboards related)
  • FIX - Selecting filters on 'Published Analysis'.
  • FIX - Right click on the column to isolate specific series in analysis.
  • FIX - Analytic models, improved checking on column names characters. Allowed alphanumeric characters, underscore and space.
  • FIX - Scorecard language translations corrections.
  • FIX - Query views 'All available' and 'Created by me' rendering correctly.
  • FIX - Setup upgrades for users still in product evaluation. Upgrade button is disabled, uninstall/install required.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 June 26th - Release 4.1

  • 'Geo Locations' data visualizations and analysis. Visualize data for particular geo locations on any of Geo Charts on the dashboard. Kyubit BI application automatically includes 7300 largest cities on the world in its internal database after setup, while administrator can manage Geo Locations with friendly features of adding new geo locations visually on the geographical maps. Quickly visualize impact of values with circle color and radius for measure values on Geographical maps. New Geo chart feature is mode to display 'Dominant Series Color', in which each geo region is displayed with separate color, depending on the series with highest value. This is convenient way to quickly identify which series is most influential in specific country/region. For example, election results.
    More details find on GeoAnalytics page.
  • Kyubit introduces Self-Service BI with 'Analytic Models', which is new feature to quickly prepare data from CSV files and Query results for analysis, which behaves almost the same as you perform OLAP analysis in grid/chart view, reports and in Dashboards. From the provided data in a few steps users selects columns that presents measures or dimensions to create Analytic Model, that could be then shared with other users as analytic data source. With Analytic Models, user drag-and-drops measures, dimensions and slicers to create analysis and use it with the dashboards. Once created Analytic Model could have scheduled jobs to updated based on data sources it was built to refresh with most recent values. Main reason to use 'Analytic Models' is for a regular user to quickly add smaller or medium sets of data for analysis, dashboard usage, scheduled subscriptions and sharing with other users. Read more details on Self-Service BI 'Analytic Models' and learn 'Self-Service BI' step-by-step tutorials, how to quickly prepare your data for analysis and visualizations.
  • OLAP and Analytic models analysis include new 'Calculation Views' that additionally interpret original values. Previously Kyubit BI included 'Row Percent View' and 'Column Percent View' while new 'Calculation Views' additionally include:
    % of Grand Total - For each cell in analysis value is displayed as percent of grid (analysis) Grand Total Value.
    Running Totals (Series) - For each cell in analysis value is displayed as aggregated value of previous cells on Series.
    Running Totals (Categories) - For each cell in analysis value is displayed as aggregated value of previous cells on Categories.
    % of Specific Row - After selection of specific row, values in other rows are presented as percent of the corresponding cell in selected row.
    % of Specific Column - After selection of specific column, values in other columns are presented as percent of the corresponding cell in selected column.
    % of Specific Cell - After selection of specific cell, values in other cells are presented as percent of the value based on selected cell.
    Difference from Specific - After selection of specific row, values in other rows are presented as difference of the corresponding cell in selected row.
    Difference from Specific Column - After selection of specific column, values in other columns are presented as difference of the corresponding cell in selected column.
    Difference from Specific Cell - After selection of specific cell, values in other cells are presented as difference of the value based on selected cell.
    % Difference from Specific Row - After selection of specific row, values in other rows are presented as difference percent of the corresponding cell in selected row.
    % Difference from Specific Column - After selection of specific column, values in other columns are presented as difference percent of the corresponding cell in selected column.
    % Difference from Specific Cell - After selection of specific cell, values in other cells are presented as difference percent of the value based on selected cell.
  • Redesigned Filter member selection. Quicker selection of filter members by only checking selection, without clicking on the button to move them to selected members. Easily check and uncheck without additional actions. Quick Filter member selection works in all sections of Kyubit application (analysis, reports and dashboards).
  • Filter data by all members Except Selected, when selecting filter members. Until now, Kyubit user could select only filters to be included in data filtering, while now user can select to use all other members except selected. New behaviour is available in analysis grid/chart view, report and dashboards.
  • New 'Search Features' will greatly help any user to find appropriate analysis, query or dashboard. Available in the upper right corner in all application screens browsing for existing objects, including selection of the analysis or query for dashboard charts. Just input a part of the name of existing object and search will find all objects for which the current user has permissions.
  • 'Recently Used' view on analyses, dashboards and query objects displays items current user used recently. 'Recently Used' view is now default view when browsing for objects, including selection of the analysis or query for dashboard charts.
  • 'Quick Explore' feature for dashboards. Select dimension level for 'Quick Explore' and Quick Explore' chart type in tile design mode. When 'Quick Explore' is selected, user only needs to click on any chart segment to get small visualization presenting additional drill-down of chart data by the 'Quick Explore' dimension. If 'Quick Explore' dimension is not selected in design mode, could be also selected by dashboard end-user with right click on the chart header.
  • Dashboard 'Save' dialog brings 'Dashboard Generals' dialog to add name and other dashboard details, if not previously defined.
  • When using 'Kyubit Users and Groups' authentication, new feature is available on login screen to start 'Forgot Password' procedure, in which current user can change his password.
  • Exporting of analysis to Excel, now includes option to display category items 'Inline', meaning that each category item is repeated on each line, regardless if it is expanded in the analysis or not.
  • 'Dynamic Title' for dashboards. Selecting filter names on the dashboard automatically updates Dashboard title with selected filter names, truncating text that does not fit to dashboard width.
  • Multipage reports that displays multiple dashboards on a separate tab, could be configure to share same filters for all dashboards associated with multipage report.
  • Dashboard 'Line chart' support configuration of minimum and maximum Y value with fixed values or percent values from the highest value in the data set.
  • Splash screen is displayed only once per day for current user, when visiting 'Home page'.
  • Fix - Analysis cube structure. Display of measures in the folder hierarchy in case parent folder is empty (Does not contain any measures).
  • Fix - When exporting dashboard to PDF that contains only 'Table' visualizations, first page is not blank.
  • Fix - Correct Excel export from analysis, in case two measures with expanded series is some analysis scenarios.
  • Fix - (Chrome) Opening child dashboards from the parent that includes dashboard filters, result with ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR error. Fix for the same error when exporting single chart in enlarged view to PDF.
  • Fix - Dashboard SQL filters with apostrophe problems when using on 'Gauge' visualization.
  • Fix - When supplying dashboard filters via URL, if OLAP URL filters definition contains comma character.
  • Fix - Validation of valid email address fails, if there is space between email addresses, when creating subscriptions.
  • Fix - Adding OLAP filters to 'Decomposition' Analysis.
  • Fix - Using 'Data Translation Language' on 'Decomposition' Analysis.
  • Fix - Searching 'Audit Log' on Kyubit setup with SQL server working in case sensitive mode.
  • Fix - Translation issues, when using user interface with Non-English languages.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 January 31th - Minor Service Release 4.0.5

  • Dashboard 'Simple PDF' export with 'Table charts' renders 'minimized' table in PDF export on the same position as on the dashboard, while full table values are on the document bottom.
  • Dashboard 'Combo chart' supports 'Value labels'.
  • FIX - Running new drill-through on analysis without prior saving drill-through data.
  • FIX - Running drill-through on dashboard, when first analysis measure is calculated measure.
  • FIX - Running new drill-through on the dashboard with applied all dashboard filters.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2018 January 18th - Minor Service Release 4.0.4

  • KPI, Gauge and Scorecards accept custom filter configuration to define which dashboard filters will be applied.
  • In grid analysis, drag-and-drop dimension hierarchy levels that are already on the grid at your preference, on the same axis or between axes.
  • FIX - Dashboard line chart NULL values not rendered as a part of the line on the chart
  • FIX - Dashboard Drillthrough issues
  • FIX - Combo chart working with custom filter configuration
  • FIX - Setup of the product on SQL Server in Case-Sensitive mode
  • FIX - Exporting Dashboard 'Table' chart to PDF with specific series define (correctly rendered)
  • FIX - Analysis cell background color defined with formatting options, not lost after click on the same cell.
  • FIX - Issues with rendering KPI, Gauge and Scorecards in the mobile view

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 December 20th - Minor Service Release 4.0.2

  • FIX - SQL queries date formatting issues resolved.
  • FIX - Dashboard chart 'drill' by dimension level resolved.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 December 18th - Minor Service Release 4.0.1

  • Dashboard KPIs based on SQL query with parameters, receive SQL filter inputs on the dashboard.
  • Drill-through action on the dashboard include links to external URL, if defined.
  • Icon to open 'Features Overview' (upper right corner)
  • FIX - Dashboard KPIs receive OLAP filter values. Issue occurred in specific situations.
  • FIX - Link to 'Time Intelligence' not visible prior to data source creation.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 November 30th - Release 4.0   Video

  • New Dashboard 'Free Positioning' layout mode. Support to add, move and resize dashboard tiles at your will and create various dashboard layout structures. Drag-and-drop any visualization tile on the dashboard and set its position and size on the dashboard area. 'Column Based' dashboard layout still supported.
    Learn More
  • OLAP Analysis 'Time Intelligence' filtering. Set OLAP time dimension filters to have analysis relative compared to current date/time. Time relative slicers requires initial configuration, after which is simple for any user to create time relative analysis filtering, available in OLAP analysis and Dashboards.
    Learn More
  • OLAP Analysis and Reports full support for PDF Export that includes grid values and/or chart elements. Select font-size, page orientation and margins while exporting to PDF file. PDF export icon, always visible in grid/chart analysis or report view.
  • New Free 'Personal Edition' license, designed for 1 user and limited features. Opportunity to get great set of BI features available to single user at no costs at all.
    Learn More about Free BI Tools
  • New license editions for SQL only data environment, available with support for all dashboard features and great price!
    Learn More
  • New features for 'Table' dashboard visualization with many options to customize 'Table' appearance on dashboard and PDF export. Grid line options, set column width, row height, font size, background colors, etc. Custom appearance of the 'Table' chart rendered same way in PDF export.
    Learn More
  • olap report and dashboard subscriptions principles redesigned. By default, scheduled subscriptions run in the security context of user who created subscription (impersonated), showing only data for which user who created subscription has permissions in data sources. For the same reason, prior to creation of the subscription, user is required to set his credentials (stored encrypted) and email address in 'User Settings' (once). Alternatively, scheduled subscriptions could be run in non-impersonated mode, by setting 'NonImpersonatedSubscriptions=1' in web.config.
  • Major improvements to quality of PDF export available for analyses and dashboards. Set PDF export options like orientation, margins, font size, etc. Support for Unicode characters, while exporting data values in 'Table' charts.
  • Major improvements in user interface experience in whole application on many details.
  • Improvements to Dashboard layout style and new customizable styling options (Background and Tile Border).
  • Redesigned 'Home' page with useful elements like 'Last Accessed' items, visual chart presenting 'My Recent Content' and 'Most Popular By All Users'
  • Visual improvements to 'Scorecards' visualizations. Scorecard could be configured to accept or ignore filters on the dashboard.
  • SQL queries now could have also column for Category ID, previously only for Category Name. This category ID could be used, if defined on tile to open external page in the context of clicked category on the chart. Previously, external page was opened with Category Name parameter in query string.
  • New Geo Maps for 'Indonesia', 'Turkey', 'Argentina', 'Brazil', 'Saudi Arabia' and 'Egypt'.
  • OLAP Report view displays defined 'Category Width' and there are no text cuttings.
  • Dashboard in 'Slides' mode support click for next slide and arrow to move slides back and forward.
  • Dashboard tiles can display 'Description' text on the top, in browser and while exporting to PDF file.
  • In 'Simple Export' to PDF file, 'Table' charts are displayed on the document bottom with all rows and columns.
  • Header logo image is link to 'Home' page.
  • Kyubit setup and production for SQL Servers with case-sensitive collation.
  • OLAP analysis export to Excel supports values with any number of decimal digits.
  • 'Select Mambers' action to isolate members of added dimension hierarchy on category or series axis in grid analysis view. After drag-and-drop dimension hierarchy on the axis, click on the hierarchy arrow to open menu and 'Select Members' to quickly isolate analysis with prefered hierarchy members.
  • Testing subscriptions from 'Subscriptions Panel' application, includes 'date' and 'time' input for testing purposes.
  • Administrator can delete comments created by other users.
  • (FIX) Dashboard 'Gauge' chart now correctly displays percentage values, when based on OLAP analysis with percentage measures.
  • (FIX) When cloning dashboard, all dashboard tile attributes are correctly cloned.
  • (FIX) Analysis with aggregate function [All] displayed wrong row title previously in some situations with sorting function.
  • (FIX) For smaller screen resolutions, some forms automatically adjust its size.
  • (FIX) Test visualization while configuring dashboard tile, includes defined values from the 'Options' tab.
  • (FIX) Geo-Map visualization legend correctly display percentage values.
  • (FIX) Analysis with aggregate function [All] and 'Named set' correct display of grid values.
  • (FIX) 'Scorecards' with apostrophe characters, correct rendering and display of values
  • (FIX) KPI values based on 3 axes analysis works as expected.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 September 29th - Minor Service Release

  • Fix - Issues with cloning of analysis.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 September 20th - Minor Service Release

  • Option to export detailed dashboard PDF with or without table of all values (web.config).
  • FIX - Issues related to adding dashboard filters from multiple OLAP data sources on the same dashboard.
  • FIX - Saving 'Scorecard' on some environments results with error.
  • FIX - Setting aggregate operation on dashboard chart, when it contains only measures.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 September 8th - Minor Service Release

  • Display full dimension hierarchy caption, while selecting dashboard filter members.
  • Display data source name, while inside analysis. Visible when moving mouse over cube icon.
  • Fix - Editing tenants. User interface issues.
  • FIX - Report tab on analysis design, in some sitations does not display all members from analysis.
  • FIX - analysis requires selection of Grid/Chart combination prior to save (on some environments).

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 August 21st - Release 3.7.5

  • Kyubit Users Authentication - Create Users and Groups in Kyubit application avoiding requirement to create Windows account for each Kyubit end-user. Ideal approach for external users. Learn More
  • Full Multitenant application mode - Running single Kyubit BI application instance for multiple organizations/users, completely separated from each other on data level. Multitenant mode is still one instance of application and using one internal database, which structure is designed to meet multi-tenant functionality. Learn More
  • Embedding Kyubit content to custom apps is simplified and supports all authentication mechanisms. Embedded Analytics
  • Configure automatic or manual Windows user addition to Kyubit application with web.config "AutoWindowsUserActivation" attribute. Previously, automatic user addition was enabled by default.
  • FIX - Correctly displaying user real name after it is changed in all application objects.
  • FIX - Unicode support while saving objects.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 June 5th - Minor Service Release 3.7.1

  • Multi-page report improvements and fix when displaying decomposition analysis
  • Web.config option for default 'Data Translation Language'. Display of OLAP data using default language, without user action required.
  • Display of empty cells, when user does not have permissions for a particular cell value, based on the permissions from OLAP cube.
  • FIX - Opening 'Decomposition Analysis' could raise error for non-admin users.
  • FIX - One IE browser, moving OLAP dimension hierarchy from axis to axis could raise 'Hierarchy already attached...' message

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 May 19th - Release 3.7

  • End-user Dashboard Actions. At any time using the Dashboard, end-user can choose set of actions to additionally explore data on the chart. Some of actions available to end-user are: sorting of the data, selecting TOP x values, PIVOT chart data, change display of value labels overall or for specific series, display SUM and Average value, display Trend or Average line. All actions applied on the dashboard are also rendered within Dashboard export to PDF file.
  • Use Chart as Dashboard Slicer. End-user on the dashboard can select chart to behave as slicer for other visualizations on the dashboard that are based on the same OLAP data source. Column chart, Line chart, Pie chart, Doughnut chart and TreeMap chart can be turned to slicer mode at any time to explore and analyze dashboard data by simply clicking on the chart segments. At the same time, more than one chart could be in slicer mode to filter whole dashboard in many combinations.
  • Grid Analysis KPI improvements. KPIs defined within Grid analysis, now are automatically visible in Dashboard when attached to table chart visualization. KPI status can be defined also towards other measure on the same analysis, not only to fixed values. Define cell colors and other formatting visuals for the certain KPI status.
  • Cell Formatting. Cells in Grid Analysis and Dashboard could be visually formatted which includes 'Alignment', 'Text Style', 'Fore Color' and 'Background Color'. If defined on OLAP analysis grid, it will be displayed on OLAP Report and it could be conditionally rendered, depending on the status of KPI.
  • TreeMap Chart. New dashboard visualization is 'TreeMap' chart that is used to quickly gain perception of the values and its mutual proportions. There are several options to configure about 'TreeMap' behavior, such is color for 'high' and 'low' values and option to render size based on first series of values and color based on second series, separately.
  • Cell writeback, What-If Analysis. OLAP cell writeback feature is now part of Kyubit app as well. At any time, right click the cell and change its value, if your OLAP structure allows it. Cell writeback will at first change values in session only, allowing user to play with data and explore what-if scenarios. At request, new cell values could be published back in OLAP database cube.
  • Goal Meter. 'Goal Meter' visualization renders KPI progress towards its goal. It is simply visualization that will tell, how much there is until KPI goal is met. Add 'Goal meter' and attach to any existing KPI to visualize its progress status.
  • Guage visualization, new options. 'Gauge' visualization has new configuration options, that include 'Color meter on the top of the gauge', 'Different types of pointers' to select, 'Display of previous value indicator' or 'Displaying mini chart' in the middle of the chart.
  • Grid analysis measure title height is taller and has always enough space to display whole measure title without changing the width of the measure column, wrapping text if required.
  • Set grid analysis category columns width individually without changing width of measure columns. Now, it is possible to have wide category member names with narrow measure columns on the same analysis grid.
  • Animate last point on the line chart to get attention of the end-user on animated circles that represent most recent value on the chart. Animated last value could be enabled on Line chart, KPI Mini line chart and Card visualization Mini line chart. Check on the 3.7 release video to see 'Animated last point' in action.
  • Explicitly configure which filters would be used by single tile on the dashboard. This option is useful when you would like to fine tune which dashboard filters would be accepted by the tile, in situations when tile chart is based on one data source and dashboard filters are based on another data source.
  • Query object now support SQL stored procedures to be implemented to show parametrized data on the dashboard.
  • Query objects could include 'Tag' that will group queries based on same topic. Useful, when working with large number of queries. View of the queries can be filters by the 'Tag' when managing queries or selecting as data for the tile in dashboard design view.
  • 'Search Members' feature performance is greatly improved when searching for dimension members within analysis or dashboard slicer selection.
  • Saving analysis shows folder selection dropdown list with full paths to folder with regards to its hierarchy.
  • Saving analysis suggest to save to folder that was last opened by the user. (Not 'My Analysis')
  • Simplified integration of Kyubit visualizations in other web application using DIV/Javascript approach.
  • IFRAME integration of Kyubit dashboards into other web applications, explicitly set tile height.
  • New Dashboard geo maps for 'Austria' and 'Denmark'
  • Decomposition analysis dialog on save.
  • Creating sub-folder automatically inherits permissions from the parent folder.
  • 'Open in PDF' buttons appears on the OLAP chart view.
  • FIX - Opening analysis and going back, returns user to folder from which analysis was opened.
  • FIX - Message about 'Structural changes...' after processing OLAP cube, is not displaying anymore.
  • FIX - Analysis report view, display folders path to save.
  • FIX - Renaming of folders on some envioronments results with error.
  • FIX - Grid Analysis export to Excel when values are displayed as percentage or columns or rows totals.
  • FIX - Dashboard 'Combo chart', filter was not applied to second defined query.
  • FIX - Analysis with calculated measure that includes division by zero results with error.
  • FIX - Drillthrough with link defined on custom drillthrough columns.
  • FIX - Decomposition analysis changing chart to 'Table' and back results with UI inconsistency problems.
  • FIX - When using non English user interface, problem with dashboard filters for which current user does not have permissions in OLAP database.
  • FIX - Enabled and disabling 'Visible series' in OLAP chart analysis.
  • FIX - Analysis subscription to Excel file included fixed name of the file 'Test.xlsx'. Now, includes analysis actual name.
  • FIX - Published analysis has 'published' mark on the list, even if publishing is revoked.
  • FIX - 'Specific series' on dashboard tiles, not working as expected in some situations.
  • FIX - Creating of sub-folder allowed only to user with Read-only permissions in the folder.
  • FIX - Folder cannot be deleted, if it contains sub-folders.
  • Fix - Changing details of the 'Named set' from the 'Shared OLAP Items' list.
  • Fix - Measure Name was missing on the chart within OLAP Report.
  • Fix - When 'Dashboards' application section is configured in web.config not to appear in application usage, there were situations when it still have been displayed.
  • Fix - Published analysis filters do not work as expected using 'Firefox'.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2017 January 10th - Minor Service Release 3.6.3

  • Improvements for analysis integration into other web site using Javascript/HTML approach
  • OLAP Report, Categories aligned with cells
  • Export to Excel file - Categories displayed above cells
  • Export to Excel file - Image export correction (previously somewhat distorted)

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 December 30th - Minor Service Release 3.6.2

  • Folder feature enhancements. Separate icons for closed, open and created by other user folder icons. Display of full hierarchy path of the current folder.
  • Dashboard subscription impersonation support.
  • 'Login Form' option with mobile dashboard view.
  • Improvements for Spanish user interface.
  • Setup support to install Kyubit on remote SQL server outside of current user domain.
  • Fixed - MDX/SQL query impersonation within Dashboard.
  • Fixed - Dashboard Slides with applied dashboard filters.
  • Fixed - Export to CSV without aggregate function.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 December 6th - Minor Service Release 3.6.1

  • Improvements for French user interface
  • Improvements for non-numeric calculated measures in OLAP analysis
  • Support for cultures with apostrophe as thousands separator

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 November 27th - Release 3.6

  • OLAP Dimension Member Properties on your reports. Design reports with 'Member Properties' organized in columns from multiple dimensions at the same time and in order of your preference.
  • Extend your folder structure with Subfolders, creating hierarchies to improve organizing of your analyses and dashboards.
  • Use current user Login Name or Real Name to filter OLAP Analysis, SQL/MDX Queries or use as dashboard slicers, to present data for current user.
  • Use current user Custom Properties to filter OLAP Analysis, SQL/MDX Queries or use as dashboard slicers, to present data of current user interest.
  • Integrate Analysis or Query data visualization with your web site/application with more advanced HTML/Javascript on-page integration that includes drill-down, export, auto-resize, large view, caching and other Kyubit features.
  • Toggle (show/hide) filters, measures and cube structure panels within Grid Analysis to have more space for data while analyzing data on smaller screens.
  • KPI and Card visualization includes option to show values as mini column chart.
  • Create subscription to receive analysis as Excel file.
  • Improved performance while analyzing OLAP data that includes large number of columns and rows.
  • New version includes additional IIS application instance Kyubit ServiceEndPoint that is primarily used by subscription service (Resolving Authentication Issues).
  • Define default OLAP analysis aggregate function within web.config file.
  • Define default OLAP Dimension filter tab (Browse or Search) to be opened within web.config file.
  • KPI has option to be excluded from Dashboard slicer filtering.
  • Improved product setup procedure.
  • Improved PDF export of dashboard data.
  • Use URL parameters as filters when opening Dashboard (Improved)
  • Use Dashboard 'Table' chart to show any data, not only numeric. (Improved)
  • Use export to Excel from 'Published' OLAP report.
  • Improved support for Firefox and Safari browser.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 September 9th - Minor Service Release 3.5.2

  • New query type ('Any data') that could contain any data types in columns to be visualized in Dashboard 'Table' visualization. For other dashboard visualizations query type 'Analytic Data' is required that contains only numeric values in columns for chart visualization.
  • Improved performance while exporting data to Excel from analysis
  • Credentials for Active Directory search are encrypted in the web.config
  • Option to encrypt sensitive data of 'Data Source' credentials and connection string in internal Kyubit database. (Web.Config "EncryptDataSource" option)
  • Custom URL root, while publishing analysis (Web.Config "PublishURLRoot" option)
  • 'Folders' and 'Shared Items' sorted alphabetically
  • Fixed - 'Named set' edit in 'Shared Items'
  • Fixed - 'Export to CSV' with calculated members of non-numeric values
  • Fixed - 'Save' button behaviour after opening analysis from Dashboard tile
  • Fixed - 'List' dashboard visualization does not cut string unnecessary
  • Fixed - Chart analysis with series that contain name as empty string

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 July 15th - Minor Service Release 3.5.1

  • Support to use OLAP analysis filters using "WHERE" clause in MDX statement. Default approach for OLAP filters is "SUBCUBE" MDX statement, that cannot be used with calculated measures that includes CURRENTMEMBER function. "WHERE" clause filters can be used with CURRENTMEMEBER function, but also has its own limitations. Filters using "WHERE" clause are displayed in curly brackets in grid analysis.
  • Major Kyubit setup improvements, that resolves almost all system prerequisites, leaving no space for problems after setup. Also includes publisher certificate.
  • Value Labels on Dashboard now includes additional option 'Last Value'
  • Fixed - Activity Log while in evaluation mode is now working as expected.
  • Fixed - Selecting Categories and Series in Dashboard Tile options with many items to display.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 June 27th - Release 3.5

  • Multipage Report. Show multiple analyses and dashboard on the single page with tabs to quickly switch view from one content to another.
  • Decomposition Analysis. New OLAP analysis approach in application.
  • Plenty of new options to customize dashboard layout and tile viszalizations.
  • Dashboard 'Value Labels'. Fine tune display of 'Value Labels' on a Dashboard tile.
  • Display Dashboard Visualization Fullscreen Slide Show
  • Display only specific 'Categories/Series' items on the Dashboard tile.
  • Display Dashboard tile 'Trend' and 'Average' Line.
  • Choose Dashboard and tile 'Color Theme Pallets'
  • Quickly switch display of categories and series (Pivot) on the Dashboard chart.
  • Export Dashboard tile values to Excel
  • Display Measures for analysis in multiple sub-folders (Display Folders), if defined in your BI project.
  • While exporting Dashboard as Simple PDF Export, Table dashboard element with its values will be included.
  • While adding filters for Dashboard, only data sources that are related to already added tiles on the dashboard will be displayed.
  • Adding 'Named Sets' to series while working in analysis chart view.
  • Moving around Tile Edit form while in Dashboards design view.
  • Support for Cyrillic letters while exporting dashboard to PDF.
  • Fixed - Testing user calculated members that include CURRENTMEMBER
  • Analysis chart, displaying full name of categories (Text is not cut)
  • Dashboard and Decomposition Drillthrough results export to Excel file.
  • Dashboard charts - displaying category name label in a larger volume (Previously only 5-7)
  • Dashboards mobile view, display of applied dashboard filters.
  • Small improvements and corrections...

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 March 8th - Minor Service Release 3.4.2

  • Multilanguage issues fixed for some phrases.
  • Fix for apostrophe issues in legend selection while on chart view analysis.
  • Firefox issue with 'Options' in grid view fixed.
  • Fix for non-admin user after analysis sees some tabs that he is not authorized (in certain conditions).
  • Fixed - Opening report analysis does not work with "LoginForm" authentication is some situations.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 February 22nd - Minor Service Release 3.4.1

  • Support for MDX query with 3 axes.
  • Fix for Large tile opening on screens with lower resolution.
  • Dashboard tile URL open improvement
  • Fix for opening Bubble chart with no series
  • Dashboard tile URL open improvement
  • Support for members starting with multiple space characters
  • Support for 'Portal Named sets' to be used as filters
  • Fix for 'Portal Named sets' defined as expression with quote character
  • Fix for MDX query results formatting when exporting to detailed PDF report

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2016 January 31st - Release 3.4

  • ODBC data source support for SQL queries
  • Simplified URL Routes to BI content
  • 12 new dashboard visualizations
  • OLAP 'Peek Analysis'
  • Aggregate operation per measure in OLAP analysis
  • 'Value bars' on OLAP report and Dashboard table visualization
  • Table', dashboard visualization
  • Scorecards
  • 'Cube structure' picker
  • OLAP report, switch Grid/Chart combination and 'Value bars' by the user looking at the report
  • Collaboration comments
  • Notifications
  • Favorites
  • Home screen
  • Activity Log
  • Dashboard SQL query slicers
  • User can select visualization type on the dashboard tile
  • Combo chart, dashboard visualization
  • Exclude tile from filtering/slicing
  • SQL query column format string
  • OLAP Analysis 'Options'
  • Custom Min and Max value for Line chart in Dashboards
  • Fixes and improvements
  • Bubble chart, dashboard visualization
  • Fixes and improvements
  • Slice visualizations based on MDX queries
  • Support for Action URL defined for OLAP dimension members in the cube

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2015 November 26th - Release (Multilingual updates)

  • Support for user interface for 'Italian' language.
  • Support for user interface for 'Norwegian' language.
  • Support for user interface for 'Portuguese' language.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2015 November 9th - Release

  • Fix - OLAP connection use 'Data language' value from 'User settings' while working with dashboards.
  • Fix - OLAP report with KPI icons is correctly loaded using 'Subscriptions'.
  • Fix - URL opened by click on the dashboard tile escape ampersand characters.
  • Fix - Dashboard tiles with URL defined correctly saved.
  • Fix - Dashboard KPI rendered without error, even if data does not exists.

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2015 October 23rd - Release 3.3

  • New Geo Maps and Geo Map Features
    New release includes 20 new Geo maps that covers all continents, major countries and its regions. Geo Maps include drill down capability and new legend feature. Currently available maps: Continents, World, Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Oceania, USA, Russia, India, France, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, Thailand and Ohio State (US).
  • Export Dashboard to PDF as detailed report
    Export dashboard to PDF file that will include all tiles, its descriptions, images and table of values as a comprehensive detailed report. User has option to export dashboard as simple or detailed report to PDF file while working in the browser or creating subscription for the dashboard.
  • Login form - Explicit authentication
    This feauture bring 'Logout' button, as many users have asked for it. Now, user can logout and login using Windows (Active Directory) credentials, using new login form, without leaving browser. This option also brings benefits while authenticating in distributed environment, to avoid Kerberos authentication configuration. To enable "Login Form" simple set "LoginForm" value to "1" in web.config file.
  • Dashboard filters inheritance
    Current dashboard filters will be inherited from parent dashboard to child dashboard making new creative ways how data can be analyzed and explored from high-level to lower-level insights. Current dashboard filters will also be inherited while user decides to continue analysis in analysis view from the dashboard.
  • Create 'Named Set' at any time searching for dimension filters
    Filter dialog window, now has an option to create 'Named set' from selected filter members at any time picking members for filters selection.
  • Create PDF from single tile on Dashboard
    Open tile in 'Enlarged view' to export tile image and table of values in PDF file.
  • Export analysis to CSV file
    While working in grid view, there is option to export current analysis data as CSV file.
  • Simultaneous multiple dashboard analysis
    Working with dashboard is now unrelated to user session. User can open multiple dashboards in a separate tabs and perform isolated analysis.
  • (Fix) Same data formatting on analysis and dashboard elements
    Display of data on analysis grid and chart elements, exactly matches all dashboard tiles and views.
  • 'Analysis Report' and 'Export to Excel' displays dimension level names
    All dimension levels on both Category and Series axis is now displayed in Analysis Report header and also on the top of Excel file after export.
  • Click on chart element to add to Dashboard filters
    While exploring dashboard data based on OLAP analysis, right click on any chart element and choose 'Add to Dashboard filters' and quickly slice all dashboard tiles based on same OLAP data source.
  • Small improvements
    - Analysis and Dashboard title visible as browser window/tab title.
    - Analysis, Dashboards and queries are always alphabetically sorted in all views.
    - Enlarge view, continue with Analysis, for dashboard based tiles.
    - 'Gauge' tiles display slightly enhanced.
    - Dashboard title and option buttons, improved layout arrangement.
    - OLAP numeric members filter search.
    - Multiple exports of Analysis to Excel file without overlapping same file name.
    - (Fix) Sorting measures error
    - (Fix) Filter members with comma issues
    - (Fix) Small improvements and corrections while opening Analysis Report

Kyubit Business Intelligence update 2015 July 26th - Release

  • Improvements for Dashboard Subscription mechanism
  • Grid analysis, extra space to ensure space for dimension drop to categories (in some cases there was not enough space)
  • Fix - Grid analysis, dimension drop, grid auto resize. (in some cases grid was resized out of screen)
  • Fix - KPI improvements on OLAP analysis and report form.
  • Fix - Grid analysis, fix when measure does not return any value
  • Fix - English and French multilingual corrections
Kyubit Business Intelligence update

2015 July 15th - Release

  • Dimension levels added to grid categories and series are preserved after analysis is saved and opened again, even if no related members are expanded in the analysis. Previously, levels were saved only if one of related members were expanded. This gives opportunity to prepare how analysis will drill data, after members are being expanded.
  • Fix - Links in analysis “Report view” are not working in some situations.
  • Fix - Opening tile in “Large view” does not center view on the screen.
  • Fix - Subscription for dashboards with large number of tiles had some issues that were solved
  • Fix - Some minor text and visual details.
  • Fix - Dashboard OLAP filters include filtering OLAP data for KPI tiles.
  • Fix - Issues with formatting OLAP calculated measures in analysis Report view.
AnalysisPortal update

2015 July 7th - Release 3.2

  • Measures management menu for arranging position of grid measures.
  • New visual implementation of List and Gauge tile in dashboards.
  • Multiple OLAP measures on the same chart.
  • Select visible series in OLAP charts.
  • Compare selected series with aggregate value on the chart analysis.
  • Analysis and dashboard descriptions visible in list view.
  • Small visual changes and improvements.
  • Separate URL for subscriptions emails that is used to open analysis or dashboard.
  • Preparation for mobile KYUBIT Dashboards application.
  • Mobile view of dashboards on URL within Kyubit Business Intelligence application (First test edition).
  • Creating 'User calculate measure' does not resets existing analysis on the grid.
  • Number formatting for 'Calculated measures'.
  • Export analysis to Excel without saving analysis.
  • Dashboards KPI, problems with decimal values.
  • Apostrophe problem while using dashboards.
  • Dashboard filters and export to PDF.
  • Last processed date of OLAP cube.
  • Issues with exporting to Excel.