FAQ Kyubit business intelligence platform

Frequently asked questions related to the Kyubit business intelligence platform. What are software and hardware prerequisites, licensing models, product support, etc.

What is the Kyubit BI platform?

Kyubit is a business intelligence platform (software application) with BI tools for self-service analytics, reporting, and dashboard creation based on OLAP, Tabular, SQL, Excel, and CSV data sources. It is a self-hosted (on-premise) solution that relies on web-based technologies to provide user-friendly self-service analytics and related BI features to all authorized users. Outstanding self-service analytics and easy user adoption are some of the key features related to the Kyubit business intelligence platform.


With the permanent license, it is required to have a valid Kyubit 'Software Assurance' annual plan for product upgrades. Kyubit subscription-based license already includes a product upgrade option.

With the permanent license, it is required to have a valid Kyubit 'Software Assurance' annual plan for product support. Kyubit subscription-based license already includes product support.

Yes, please contact our sales at info@kyubit.com for special quotes.

No, only one Kyubit BI platform license is required for one Kyubit business intelligence software installation. There are several licensing models that offer different numbers of users that connect to Kyubit Business Intelligence software.

Yes, please contact us at support@kyubit.com to send you a temporary license up to 90 days of evaluation.

Product setup and configuration

The prerequisites to install the Kyubit business intelligence platform are:

  • Operating system: Windows (any edition)
  • .NET Framework 4.5.1
  • IIS 6 or higher
  • MS SQL Server (any edition)


No. Using Active Directory is a default option, but the Kyubit BI platform could be used on a stand-alone machine.

Yes, Kyubit BI is like any other web application that could be exposed to be used over the web. We recommend using HTTPS protocol in Internet usage scenarios.

Kyubit BI platform supports 'Windows integrated' authentication (default), 'Windows Login Form' authentication, and 'Kyubit Users & Groups' authentication.

Self-service analytics

Kyubit BI platform supports OLAP, Tabular, SQL, Excel, and CSV data sources for self-service analytics.

No, Kyubit BI is designed to work with MS SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). Additionally, Kyubit is designed to create 'Analytic Models' from CSV/SQL/ODBC data sources as well.

Yes, Kyubit BI supports 'In-memory' tabular models, while 'DirectQuery' is currently not supported.

Yes, the analysis could be published to 'Folders'. For each 'Folder' the administrator can define a set of users that are allowed to work with 'Folder' analysis content.

Absolutely, right-click on the chart, and chart elements show the menu of available actions that are allowed at that moment. By selecting any of the available actions, the chart is refreshed with new data and again right-clicking gives further available actions. In that manner, a user can "play" with data drilling deep and wide as he/she likes.

Kyubit BI platform is supported on: IE, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers.

Dashboard Features

Dashboard data visualizations, metrics, and analytics could be based on data from OLAP, Tabular, SQL, Excel, and CSV files.

Yes, existing analytics could be a data source for dashboard elements (charts and KPIs). If the dashboard element is based on existing analytics, self-service analytics could be continued with a click on the related dashboard element for further analysis.

The dashboard could be opened in a browser with a defined URL, exported to the PDF file, delivered via subscription service at the scheduled time as an email message with embedded dashboard images, or delivered as a PDF file within an email message using Kyubit subscription service and scheduled delivery features.